Editorial Comment on We Are The World XXX


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Steve Nelson

We Are The World XXX AVN ad

Editorial Comment by Steve Nelson:

When I was brought on as head PA (production assistant) on the shoot ”We Are The World XXX” in mid-May, I understood the concept was to make a movie who’s proceeds would go to my friend Henri Pachard aka Ron Sullivan who is dying of cancer. I was honored to be of service.

I’m still perplexed how the master tapes got to ”the Sullivan camp” and by the ghastly rhetoric allegedly coming from there. It, to my understanding, was never the intent to give over any part of this unfinished production, but only the total monies from the sale of the finished product. There would have been absolutely no production costs deducted from the profit so the Sullivans would have gotten a continual stream of monies after distribution.

I understood that Vivid tentatively was going to distribute and Paul Thomas was going to donate a scene. I understood this was not ”a Vivid production”. There were other distributors and donations of post-production work being considered as well.

In spite of being saddened by the project crumbling to ruin before my eyes, I’m grateful to have been involved in a work of love to someone (as indicated by the numerous past stories archived on AINews) I held in high esteem and regarded as a friend.

As I told Amber Lynn, the producer of this production, when she asked me how I thought it went at the end of the shooting, ”I might have done things differently if I were in charge, however, it appears I would have had a different set of problems.” Regardless, I grew as a person from serving a greater cause.

The Official ”We Are The World XXX” website, WeAreTheWorldXXX.com, and Amber Lynn’s official statement ”We Are The World XXX Halted” are linked below.