Source: Michael W. Dean (ThornDaddy)
By: Company Press Release

”How to Fuck a Woman’s Brains Out” from Peep! Press / a Submission and Coffee presentation. New book by ThornDaddy (Forward by Dollie Llama)
For Adults Only
ThornDaddy from the ”Submission and Coffee” podcast teaches you how to pet her pretties, part her petals, and nail her to the center of the earth with your cock until she squirts stars and secrets onto the majesty of your bed. This book is the yang to the yin of Dollie’s ”Diary of an S&M Romance”.
How to Fuck a Woman’s Brains Out is not a guide on how to ”Find em’ feel em’ fuck em’ and forget ’em.” It’s not a manual on how to ”bag weak women with pickup lines and mind tricks.”
How to Fuck a Woman’s Brains Out is a stunning BDSM resource and manifesto on finding the perfect willing sex slave (or two), keeping her in your life, and loving the hell out of her – mind, body and soul.
A crucial read for all men, and women, interested in kinky love. ”How to Fuck a Woman’s Brains Out” includes appendix ”Interviews with Seven Kinky Women About What They Want and Need”
The author adds, on his blog: ”Chapters 12 and 13 are a little different. They contain scathing appraisals of overpopulation, the Catholic Church, consumerism, etc…. Stuff that might not seem relevant to ”How to Fuck a Woman”, but I feel it is. And also, since I’d over-delivered on the original premise, and since we’re Giving away the eBook Creative Commons, I saw no reason not to climb on my soapbox.”
Paperback, eBook and Podiobook all released under Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. Ok to copy, share, remix, translate and distribute for non-commercial uses, with attribution.
254 pages. Self-Help: Sexual Instruction. Health & Fitness: Men’s Health Paperback: Isbn 978-0-97053-922-9 eBook: Isbn 978-0-97053-928-1
Info: Submission and Coffee podcast (the number-one BDSM podcast on iTunes):
Paperback of ”How to Fuck a Woman’s Brains Out” on Amazon: and soon on