Source: PAW (Protecting Adult Welfare Foundation)
By: Company Press Release

Combining the ”Broasting of Ginger Lynn” with a few very special honors – plus a dazzling diversity of adult oriented acts including the magnificent Sunny Lane opening the show – FOXE 2008 is set for Sunday evening June 8 at the world famous Whiskey a Go-Go (8901 Sunset Blvd. in West Hollywood) according to Fans of X-Rated Entertainment co-founder William Margold.
”The first FOXE event was held at Gazzarri’s (9039 Sunset Blvd.) in 1991, and with lusty detours to the Country Club in Reseda, the Mayan in downtown Los Angeles, the Diamond Club in Hollywood, and the Mayflower Ballroom in Inglewood, FOXE has taken 17 years to walk down about two blocks down Sunset” states Margold, who with the legendary adult actress Viper, created FOXE in 1989 to give the fans of adult entertainment, for the very first time, a chance to vote for their ”Favorites” (Actor, Actress and ‘Vixen’).
Based on the motto: ”If society refuses to admit that it is jacking off, then it shouldn’t be upset when Congress cuts off its dick,” – a Margold sentiment that ignited a membership that was once close to 2000 strong.
”The organization was jumpstarted when a fellow named Albert Muckermann showed up at Viper’s and my apartment in late 1989, asking if there was any way that he and a couple of buddies could go to the XRCO (X-Rated Critics Organization) event coming up on Valentine’s Day, 1990. Up to the point, although I had always managed to sneak a few admirably persistent fans in, Jim Holliday, who co-founded the XRCO with me, Jim Dawson, Lonn Friend and Kent Smith in 1984, had been determined to keep the fans out of the XRCO events,” continues Margold, ”and I, of course, perpetually maintaining my contempt for rules, would playfully frustrate him by looking the other way as a few faithful fans, including Muckermann, always managed to somehow get by me as I manned the door.
”Viper however realized the potential of a fan willing to ‘pay to play’ – and exacted $300 from Mr. Muckermann, so that he and his two friends would get to go to ‘Big Wednesday’ – the 1990 XRCO event that was held on the exceptionally cold Santa Monica Pier,” shuddered Margold. ”But I felt guilty that that was all I could give the fellow for his money, so I came up with the name FOXE – quickly adding the ‘E’ because I didn’t want to have any problems with 20th Century – and because Viper was a redhead,” Margold reflects wistfully.
”And as has always been FOXE’s policy… all adult industry talent is invited to attend at no cost, courtesy of the fans who must purchase their tickets to support the event… and to show their appreciation toward the industry that entertains them,” concludes Margold.
For ticket prices and any other information about FOXE 2008 contact or (818) 501-6139. FOXE 2008 is a ”Fun”draiser for PAW (The Protecting Adult Welfare Foundation).