Source: Hentai PR
By: Company Press Release

VCX, the Las Vegas based studio known for years as the best ”Home of the Classics” and intellectual property rights owner of the largest selection of true classics from the ”Golden Era” of adult cinema, has announced a deal with the owner of the entire classic library of former Cal-Vista Icon Sidney Niekerk. The titles, 176 in total were mostly shot on 35mm film between 1970 and 1985 and include some of the biggest titles ever produced.
”V – The Hot One”, ”Eruption”, ”3 AM” in addition to many of the Aunt Peg titles and perhaps the greatest of them all: ”Nothing to Hide”, are all part of this great library which, aside from 63 titles that were put out on DVD by NuTech Digital, and were already an exclusive property of VCX under a deal with NuTech, have never been out on DVD.
”We intend to release 5-10 of these titles per month on DVD, concentrating on those titles that have never been released in that format. We will begin releasing them in May, and then we will transfer and re-author the entire line of titles already released in DVD format,” said VCX President David Sutton. ”This latest acquisition cements the status of VCX as the Classic Powerhouse! With over 500 true classic features, we’re the American Movie Classics (AMC) version of the adult world!”
”I have always been a fan of the way that Sidney Niekerk has operated his entertainment businesses, and his consul has always been helpful to me in the development of the growth of VCX both domestically and internationally. Both Sidney and his wife, Dani Duran were close friends of my Father and I consider them to be great friends of mine as well. By the way, Dani Duran worked for my Father at VCX and was his right hand girl. They both take comfort in the fact that we will preserve the integrity of this, one of the greatest libraries in the history of porn!” said Sutton.
Exact details of the agreement are not being released, except that the deal includes all rights in all territories, excepting VHS. All licensees of the former Cal-Vista titles in existence will be instructed to divert those revenue payments to VCX.
For more information on the Cal-Vista titles involved and questions related to purchase, distribution or licensing, please contact:
David Sutton
(800) 350-1931