By: Company Press Release

(STURGIS, SD) — After counting thousands of votes from all over the world, the third round of finalists has been chosen in the Miss Sturgis 2008 and Girls of Sturgis Bike Week contest.
Joining the roster are three models: Cherish, a realtor from Spearfish, SD; Alli, a DJ at a rock station in Sioux Falls, SdD and Reilly, a salesperson from Henderson, NV.
The fact that seven of the nine finalists are from South Dakota is understandable, as entries were promoted by several of the largest radio stations in the Black Hills. The fact that eight of the nine are models is astonishing, based on the publicity and blogs generated on motorcycle-related websites.
Visitors to Miss can read all about the Girls, and vote for their favorite contestant. Twelve of the Girls will be photographed for the Girls of Sturgis Bike Week calendar and one of the 12 chosen will become Miss Sturgis 2008. Miss Sturgis will be flown to a super-secret location for a photo shoot with a very special bike and a very special celebrity for the cover of the ”Sturgis Rally News.” The Girls of Sturgis Bike Week will be making personal appearances during Sturgis Bike Week 2008 and will autograph the free calendars at Thunder Road.
The Miss Sturgis 2008 contest moved into Round Four on March 17. Those contestants not chosen in the first three rounds had the voting slate wiped clean. Final voting ends on March 29 and the new Miss Sturgis 2008 will be announced in April.
As an added bonus, everyone who votes gets a coupon for 20% off anything in the Sturgis Bike Week store, including the new 2008 shirts!
The 2008 Rally Guide is New and Improved you marked it on your calendar. So what else do you need to know about the 2008 Sturgis Bike Week? Plenty… Why take off a week of work, spend the money to travel, party and stay in Sturgis, without knowing all you can about Sturgis Bike Week? Completely revised 2008 Edition Includes, an expanded camping section…along with updated pictures and editorial information…plus new camping recommendations within the Sturgis Zone, Black Hill’s Zone, and Bear Butte Zone, new concert venues, bars, restaurants and Sturgis Rally activities, new profiles, featured sections, and expanded information on the favorite rides, custom shows, bike shops, concerts, races, and neighboring towns. Get it Here with Instant Downloadable Satisfaction!