Source: Adult Industry News
By: Steve Nelson

I cornered Candy in the back of Rouge Gentleman’s Club before she got ready to go on for the L.A. Direct ”Big Boob Bonanza” night back last year. I love listening to her talk. What an accent! Ever been to Chicago? Just her voice can make my dick hard!
”So what’s up, Candy?” I say. ”Workin’ every day,” she says, ”Doin’ a lot of shoots traveling to Las Vegas and Arizona. I wanna max out working and save money to have my boobs re-done in November.”
Candy was 20 when she had her first boob job. She wasn’t happy with them so had them re-done as soon as she healed. They look great now! And she’s goin’ Bigger! She also wants more lipo, touch ups on her face, a top lip fat transfer and isn’t afraid to talk about it. ”I mean why not”, she says, ”Might as well look as good as you can…”
Candy’s using Dr. Jacobs in New York and getting ”gummi bear” tits. (I now imagine her tits filled with gummi bears and have a very strong urge to suck them.) Evidently there’s a material soft and squishy like real tit-flesh that is now available for implants. Her tits are great now and the thought of them bigger and filled with gummi bears is almost too much stress for my zipper. It’s pretty expensive, though, $16,000! She says, ”Rather get ripped off than fucked up.”
Candy likes pussy hair. She has a nice trimmed little patch she showed for the camera. She like a little on other girls too. She said, ”The more you go tanning the more your pubes lighten.” that segued her into a story about how she was riding in Carly Parker’s car and her spray-on tan came off and stained Carly’s white leather seats.
Find Candy at, and when I asked her where else I could tell people to find her she says, ”I’m officially a DungeonCorp contract girl now and gotta check it out… Google me, Bitches!”
See a few great pictures of Candy’s beautiful naked body in the April 2008 issue of Gent Magazine in my column ”The News Rack”. Candy, Kitty Langdon and TitBits of Destiny B. Wilde, Anita Cannibal and more in Gent issue 133.