Source: Adult Industry News
By: Rebecca Anderson

I hardly know where to begin, so I’ll just go through the adventure chronologically…
I arrived at McCarran airport early on Sunday the 6th, having just stayed up all night to take care of all the things my family would need in my absence, as well as try to pack appropriate attire. What the hell does one wear to one’s first porn convention? I could not believe how much crap I had with me, but did end up using pretty much all of it.
The first day was pretty quiet, brainstorming with Steve Nelson (AINews’ Senior Editor) as well as visiting his business partner. Having returned to the house we were borrowing, I was beginning to get cabin fever. Fortunately an acquaintance from MySpace responded to my declaration of boredom and was kind enough to offer to squire me about town. I spent the remainder of the evening with this lovely (and Hot!) gentleman doing…stuff. What a guy!
On Monday morning, Steve and I appeared on a radio show called Morning Wood…it was a Blast! I also got to finally see Cara Lott, who I’d spoken with a fair amount online and found to be an eminently groovy chick. She further raised my opinion of her by deep throating a VERY large dildo on the air (I must acquire this skill or die in the attempt) and then tit-fucking my boss while I took pictures for posterity. I’m not altogether certain the Morning Wood staff was completely prepared for the likes of us, but it was fantastically fun. I did also learn from them…about asshole bleaching. Who knew people did this? Not me!
I was a bit shocked and flattered when they asked me on air if I appeared in front of the camera, as Cara enthusiastically waved and gave a thumbs up sign in approval of the concept, then leaned in and announced to the listening audience that each of my boobies were bigger than her head. You might be able to actually hear me blush if you listen to the show. By the way, I looked at pictures of Cara and I, and they are. Bigger. Than her head. Who knew? Not me!
After the show, we went to the Venetian and picked up our press badges and wrist bands for the Expo. Sporting a plastic green wristband for the rest of the week 24/7 made me feel like a cross between being ”somebody” and being quality livestock. We then went to dinner, then back to the house to write, research for my paralytically unnerving on camera interview gauntlet of the Digital Playground contract talent. By this point, I’d more or less made the adjustment to ”porn time”, a time zone about 5 hours behind that of my day to day life. I was also seeing the downside of being in this house…although it was very generous of Steve’s partner to provide this, as well as free, it was a half hour drive to get to the Strip, and we also only had one vehicle.
Next installment…Accommodations altered, hot chicks and dudes interviewed, FreakyTiki meets about 200 of her heroes, some very beloved friends, and…does some stuff.