Batman’s Belfry ~ Miss Nude Canada Pageant


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Tony Batman

Jennie Stallone courtsey of Peter Robinson

The Week of the 2007 Miss Nude Canada Pageant the contest is being held this year at the Whisky Go-Go club in Concord which is another suburb of Toronto. There are 19 girls that are trying to be the next Miss Nude Canada and be called a Canadian Queen. If you’ve never been involved or competed in one of these feature dance shows you are missing out on some funny stuff.

First off it is normal for everyone involved to stay at the same hotel, people from all over the world fly in to compete, broadcast, report, judge, or sponsor theses things.

For this Miss Nude Canada, we have a crew from Australian TV, a crew from French TV, the Imlive People from Cypress and London and of course the A! Crew from Chatsworth, CA, USA.

My two partners in crime on the microphone during the week were Dave and Ed, Both guys resident DJs at the Canadian Whisky a Go-Go.

After the Sirius Radio Interview on the Relentless Hardcore Sports show on Sirius channel 186 the first night and the live ImLive Celebrity Event broadcast on the second night the weekend was upon us and it was crazy time.

Friday night at the club was a mob scene, we were lucky enough to have a huge security guard standing behind our staging area. If not I am sure we would have been crushed by the over zealous boob hungry crowd… Kelly Skyline and I were introduced to the patrons of the Whisky for the first time of the week and I’m not sure if the strip clubs in Canada are just that friendly or if the crowd loved our Los Angeles style but either way we were met with open arms.

By the second hour of our appearance on Friday night I was fighting off drinks the customers were buying for me, I was of course fighting a loosing battle, I was drunk before the third hour and they were still coming when my brain stopped remembering. Useless Fact: Canadians can drink a lot.

Lets get back to the pageant. The girls all did a great job on the stage. Now I know we always say that kind of thing, but really this time, they were all good and all very sex-able or shag-able as my friends from the English office of would say.

It is a shame that the rest of the world has no idea that the Canada girls are so talented and beautiful, maybe we are starting to get the point, I mean Australia, France, England, Saudi Arabia and the United Stated were all in attendance for this years Miss Nude Canada Pageant. Maybe I could make them all famous, (Inside joke to all of those who have spent time in the women’s restroom with me).

There was the regular pageant cat antics. We had a crying girl, a bitchy girl, a humble girl and girl who should but doesn’t and the talented one that just can’t be denied.

All in All this competition was a pretty tame one when it comes to drama, some heightened emotion came out but the level of professionalism from the girls was excellent.

So after a week and two elimination rounds the winners of the 2007 Miss Nude Canada are:

Jennie Stallone – 2007 Miss Nude Canada (First ever 2 time winner of the Pageant)

Kelly Kayne – First Runner Up

Sable- Second Runner Up

We are doing the 3rd annual Wank punter XXX-Mas Party and Concert tonight… another story in it self…

Talk to you soon,

Tony Batman

Photo of Jennie Stallone courtsey of Peter Robinson