Talent Beware


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Steve Nelson

Talent Beware

I’m hearing too many allegations about girls getting drugged, girls on limo rides to hell, people getting ripped off in their homes – and what about all the miss-quotes in the press, both mainstream and adult?

Let’s take the press first:

I’m not all that articulate in person. Sometimes I’m not clear when I speak. I’ll give others the benefit of the doubt on this, however, there are those among us who are not looking out for our best interests. Gossip sites in particular. They get ratings at our expense by printing hearsay. Is it accurate? Maybe, maybe not.

Talent; when talking to the press, you can avoid being miss-quoted by writing it out and emailing it to them. Be sure to proof read what you write to make sure it’s clear. If you talk on the phone make sure the person is reliable and uses phrases like, “can I quote you on that” or “OK if I record this interview,” and try not to display our dirty laundry to the world. Nothing like giving giving haters free ammo than a public display of dirt!

Even when trying to do something good for someone else you can get bit in the ass – it’s happened to me. Journalists need to take responsibility for their actions and try not to hurt people. I just made a mistake like this myself which is additional inspiration for this article.

And with the mainstream press: THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND. Only talk to press that will do you some good, as in the Adult Industry press. Mainstream rarely does the Adult Industry or anyone belonging to it any good. They use us because sex sells for them even while they point the finger at us as being bad.

Limo rides to hell:

Look for a pattern here. I’ve talked to several people involved in limo rides where girls were taken to places when they thought they were going somewhere else. When accepting a ride from anyone ask yourself do you know anyone else in the limo? Even if you have someone with you as a chaperone it would be wise to ask the driver who hired him and where he’s been instructed to drive you. Let someone else know what limo company it is. No one should have to give a guy a handjob to get a ride home from somewhere they never wanted to be stranded. Find out if the person to hire the limo has had a pattern of trouble in the past. If so, be safe and avoid anything that person has a hand in. Everything.

Spiked drinks:

Too many girls have had their drinks spiked with date rape drugs by not paying attention. Unfortunately there are losers so pathetic that they get off on having sex with girls who are unconscious. I don’t know if it’s because they can’t get girls any other way or they are on a rape power trip. The people trying to drug girls need to be in jail. Anyone conspiring with them needs to be in jail. Anyone who knows about people like this need to step forward and tell the authorities or go to jail as an accomplice themselves.

Talent; avoid this by opening your own drink if you can get a sealed can or bottle or by watching the bartender pour your drink. If you have someone get you a drink make it a trusted friend and never accept a drink from a stranger without seeing the bartender pour it. Also, getting so high you loose track of reality might not be beneficial. (That was sarcasm.)

Ripoff roommates:

Like to help people? Ever give someone the couch for a few nights? I know from experience that you usually don’t check a person’s references before letting them in the door. Maybe we should! Roommates have been known to rob you blind, steal and forge your checks and copy the keys to your house and car to use later. (Watchout for people who give you sob stories like claiming their house burned down or their car was stolen without seeing any proof.) As far as business dealings, you want everything in writing. The day of doing business on trust and a hand shake are over.

Shooters of porn:

Here’s a hot spot for most talent. Everyone has scads of stories about shoots gone bad. How can talent watchout? If you’ve never heard of the shooter that wants to book you ask for references. If they don’t want to tell you any they probably are not reputable.

When you get references call at least 3 you know. Ask if they are going to pay in cash before you get there. Only the big companies with names like Wicked, Vivid and Digital Playground have payroll and they are reputable. Small companies either will pay in cash or want to write you a check. Don’t freak if they want you to take a check. Who else has worked for them? What have they to say about them? Do they have a reputation of bouncing checks? If so, don’t work for them.

When you get there with your IDs to fill out paperwork make sure to check the other talent who you are working with AIM test. If you have any doubt about the authenticity of the test you can always call AIM. I suggest the AIM Granada Hills office at 10727 White Oak Ave, Suite 206 in Granada Hills. Their number is 818-366-8866 and are always a LOT less busy than the Sherman Oaks office.

If a shooter can’t tell you who the other talent is over the phone before the shoot, it means he doesn’t want to. Make sure you agree on your rate on the phone and then affirm it again when you get there. If there is a switch in anything (like them wanting you to work with an extra person in the scene or do it for less money) you can either negotiate a new rate or tell them that you want a kill fee if they aren’t being professional about it. Kill fee rule is if the scene can’t happen because of something the shooter did, you get one.

No matter what, you are in charge of the things you do on film. Never do an act you are not comfortable doing. Make sure the talent you are working with as well as the shooter knows your limitations and never think you have to take abuse (unless you like it). You can always yell “cut” and tell everyone “I told him not to choke me and he is still doing it” for example.

Performing in adult films should be a lot of fun for everyone. Of course if you fuck on film everyone WILL eventually find out, so be sure of your career decisions.

This article was inspired by several events that have happened in the past few weeks. I was tired of waiting for someone to do something good about it and write something to help the talent – so here it is.