Source: A! Entertainment
By: Company Press Release

(TORONTO, CANADA) — Tony Batman and his sexy A! Entertainment Angels Melanie Scott, Kelly Skyline and Regan Anthony are once again ready to take Canada by storm. The crew will arrive here December 5th for the Miss Nude Canada Pageant at the Whiskey a Go Go in Concord, Ontario where they will be signing and greeting fans throughout the entire event.
On Wednesday, December 5th from 9pm to 10pm EST. The A! Entertainment Crew will be interviewed on ìRelentlessî Hard Core Sports Radio, Sirius channel 186. Fans can also listen live online Relentless is the newest of the Hard Core Sports Radio Shows and it has proven itself very successful. The show airs live every Wednesday night and has their audience gripped. Relentless fuses what everyone loves, sports, pop culture and adult entertainment into one fantastic show.
ìThe girls are very excited about the appearance on Relentless. We plan on making a memorable mark on the Sirius audience, They wonít soon forget this night.î Said Tony Batman.
The A! Crew Girls from the A! Entertainment show are a group of hot porn stars that travel and promote the events and shows they are involved in. You never know where they are going to show up next or what they will do
Hear the A! Crew Wednesday night December 5th from 9-10pm EST on Hardcore Sports Radio Sirius channel 186… A crew of porn stars from Los Angeles, USA. You wonít believe what you hear!
For More information on A! Entertainment contact Tony Batman