Dimond Jewelz Available LA


Source: Michael McClay

By: Company Press Release

Dimond Jewelz

(LOS ANGELES, CA) — Dimond Jewelz Returns To LA After Trip To “Night Moves” and Florida Swing Roots Armed with New Films & Future Projects.

Latina spitfire Dimond Jewelz returns to Los Angeles the week of October 29 from the east after attending the “Night Moves” festivities and reuniting with old friends and fans from the Tampa-Orlando swing scene before, during and after the event. While making the swinger rounds during this 2007 outing, Ms. Jewelz focused primarily on her own agenda and – plunging into her social butterfly mode – broke away from the pack.

“I like seeing the old faces and places,” she said with a tinge of nostalgia, “But I’m always on the prowl for new opportunities and excitement. I live in the ‘now’ and not the ‘then.’” At “NM” 2007 Ms. Jewelz made a lot of progress on future productions and even Bunny Ranch owner Dennis Hof joined her unofficial fan club offering her a very beneficial opportunity. When she leaves Florida, she will have been there a month.

“If those who have seen me in action on the screen are brave enough can experience the real thing and discover my own brand of gonzo sex if they dare,” warns this Puerto Rican “force of nature.” “I especially love couples and have a thing for being a part of a real couple’s fantasy life. I have formed numerous ongoing relationships with couples during many years of swinging scenarios.”

Ms. Jewelz first hit “NM” in 2006 after being part of the Florida swing scene before that. She then plunged feet first into her porn career shortly after in Florida before moving to porn central in Los Angeles’ San Fernando Valley. She soon made quite a name for herself there with an aggressive, yet fun-loving style, calling production decision makers directly on the phone and peppering them with playful emails. Once in front of her “conquests,” her charming laughter and come-hither gaze always nailed the gig.

Many in the business are familiar with Ms. Jewelz’s penchant for securing projects on her own without an agent and although she’s not ruling out representation in the future, she’ll continue to be her own best agent. “I won’t turn down anything an enterprising talent rep might find, but I pride myself in being a good negotiator and most of the projects I get land on my doorstep rather than vice versa,” she said.

In addition to hardcore sex, Ms. Jewelz is a hardcore sports fan, especially football. She managed to squeeze in a Tampa Bucs game and not only did the home team beat the Titans 27 to 24, she turned many heads while cheering the team on (a Bronx native, her real team is the Giants). Opting to wear a very conservative (for her) pants/blouse combo, several fans in the crowd still made excuses to sidle up and hit on her anyway. “I just don’t understand what guys see,” she said to her pigskin pal. Rolling his eyes, the longtime friend said, “Honey, you know how many times I’ve seen you just walk into a room and turn heads – including women!” Shaking her head she uttered, “I still don’t get it.”

In a rare moment, Ms. Jewelz exhibited a soft side when revealing to a media acquaintance recently that her travels include a reunion with her long-lost brother. “I lost touch with him over five years ago and couldn’t find him until a concerned friend did some Googling and found him living in the Northeast. I love him very much and cried like a baby when we talked on the phone as we made plans for a get-together before returning to LA. He’s a martial arts champion and I expect he’ll give me some new moves the next time I need them.” Ms. Jewelz vows to relate her emotional family moment soon when announcing upcoming newsworthy events.

One month ago Ms. Jewelz returned to work after a widely-reported run-in with a brick and mortar foe (a stairway) and later, several home invasion thugs who failed to get the best of her while recuperating. After impacting the stairway she reduced it to a wobbly walkway and the intruders to a band of wannabe amateurs…all part of what she dubs her “kick ass” way of dealing with adversity.

After her story broke in the adult media, she was deluged with emails and calls from friends, editors and producers alike concerned about her well-being. “I was shocked at how many companies responded to my little boo-boo and came out to support my comeback. I’ve already put two shoots in the can before Tampa with several more ready to go as soon as I land in LA. My recovery took longer because I was overmedicated. I felt better only after I cold-turkeyed the meds,” she said. “So if some saw a bit of schlep in my step, it was the cure, not the malady.”

“I’m back, ready and have a full agenda. Watch this space,” she says with typical bravado. “Wanna piece of me?” she challenges…”It’s gonna cost you!” Whether doling out pain (she likes dom) or pleasure, she’s up to both tasks. Ask the four goons she chased down the street or those who’ve discovered her charms in the boudoir (or on the set).

“I am not your Pop’s porn star!” Wanna argue? If you do…

Visit Dimond Jewelz on My Space www.myspace.com/dimondjewelz or by email: dimond_29@yahoo.com. A Dimond Jewelz website is currently under construction.