Sponsor Devinn Lane for AIDS Walk


Source: Devinn Lane

By: Devinn Lane

Devinn Lane

Devinn Lane: Will you Please Sponsor Me for AIDS Walk Los Angeles 2007? Pass this link along to those you know can help…

Hello, I am writing to let you know that I have registered for AIDS Walk Los Angeles and am very excited about the event. This is a very important issue to me and our industry so I have set a fundraising goal. I want to do as much as I can to make a difference in the lives of men, women, and children affected by HIV and AIDS.

I want your help. Will you please sponsor me for the AIDS Walk? Just click on the website address below to enter my personalized web page and charge your donation. Thank you, in advance, for supporting this important cause and for showing that you join me in wanting to end this epidemic.


Devinn Lane