Pink Visual at ExpoMark Conference


Source: BSG PR

By: Company Press Release

Pink Visual

(VAN NUYS, CA) — Pink Visual is excited to announce it’s first year at the ExpoMark Adult Video Conference, September 24th-27th at the Hilton Pointe Squaw Peak Resort in Phoenix Arizona.

ExpoMark has quickly become the premiere B2B event for the Adult Industry due to its unique structure and selective guest list.

“ExpoMark is completely different than any other tradeshow,” explains Kate Sylvan, Marketing and PR Coordinator for Pink Visual. “It takes place at a resort, and rather than having a booth, all the Exhibitors have a hotel suite. The buyers rotate through the suites in 20 min intervals each day so every exhibitor has a 20 min sit down meeting with every buyer. In addition, Exhibitors and Buyers must go through a detailed qualifying process in order to be invited to attend. This limits the participants to the most serious buyers and sellers in Adult. It is a privilege to be selected this year, and we are very excited to attend.”

“Pink Visual has witnessed incredible growth since our start just three years ago,” says Kim Kysar, Distribution Operations Manager for Pink Visual. “Qualifying for the Expomark Conference this year is a validation of our efforts and our growing presence in the industry and we are looking forward to it.”

Pink Visual will be sending Lead Distribution Sales Representative Angel Garcia, and LA Sales Representative Dani Vargas to the upcoming ExpoMark event. Kim Kysar, Distribution Operations Manager, and Mike O’Brien, Distribution Sales Representative will also be available for meetings on Monday and Tuesday. For additional information on Pink Visual’s attendance at the 2007 ExpoMark please contact Angel: or Dani:

For more info, please contact Brian Gross, Bsg Pr, (818) 340-4422. Email: