June Summers at Stagedoor Johnny’s


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: June Summers

June Summers

Hi Steve,

Well, you told me I could give you news when I was booked… This is a good one, at Stagedoor Johnny’s in New Haven, CT. I get to do my first live sex toy act! I will be there November 8, 9, and 10 for 10 shows.

This will be different and new to me. I have seen them done a long time ago but never been asked to do one before – live on stage that is.

I did play around with [a toy on stage] while I was a house girl. I was invited to join Anna Malle (I finally remembered who told me “These guy’s don’t deserve this good of a show”) on stage but we could never simulate any sex acts with it in Ohio. Not even a blow job with your finger.

Imagine my surprise the first time I saw a string of pearls pulled out of the pussy when I first got to Frank’s Chicken House. WOW, THEY CAN DO THAT ON STAGE.

Oh well. just thought I would drop you a note. And I have confirmed the date of the booking with the owner. That’s how I found out about the extra toy show part. (LOL)


June Summers