Source: Courtesy of
By: Dave Cummings

I’m hearing that Houston’s normal people, those who accept Adult Entertainment as a blessing from God, might have to start VOTING OUT those so-called city leaders who are lately picking on adult entertainment instead of embracing it as the tax-paying and legitimate employers and businesses that they truly are.
I feel that Houston needs to rid itself of any and all politicians who are either blind to this economic engine, or are too beholden to their own unrealistic religious beliefs or those of campaign donors and influencers. Vote these “politicians” out, and vote in some “leaders”! Start talking it up amongst yourselves, and with your friends/neighbors/co-workers/etc, and let the politicians see the power of you Real citizens. Do the All-American thing, and Vote the culprit politicians out!
Like every one of the last 10 years, I traveled last month with adult entertainment folks to California’s Capital in Sacramento to meet with and lobby legislators. This trip was especially important because of the recently proposed Assembly Bill 1551 which some “politician” wrote to impose an additional tax on the sale, storage, use, or other consumption of tangible personal property sold by adult entertainment businesses. This legislator-politician wants the increased taxes to offset so-called negative secondary effects (i.e., alleged decreased property values, increased crime, and other nonsense that objective study after study shows to be on thin ice, indeed in many cases quite to the contrary of what politicians contend). Records of police logs, property tax values, and other measures often show the opposite of negative secondary effects. So, I say to politicians, stop raising citizen taxes, stop targeting adult entertainment, and start properly representing your constituents, or be prepared to face the wrath of the voters.
Did you see the cover of Elegant Angel’s “It’s a Daddy Thing 3” at Yup, that’s my ugly face on the cover with the beautiful Brianna Love; and, yes, my finger was where it looks like it was when that photo was snapped. As he always does, Producer/Director Patrick Collins did another masterful job of guiding the set-up and scenario into a realistic fantasy for viewers. I love my job!
Wildlife Production’s (see will soon be filming Volume 60 of the acclaimed “Screw My Wife, Please” series. It, and the “Screw My Husband, Please” series has been super successful, and a lot of people often walk up to me to voice their appreciation for Wildlife Productions. Director Bobby Rinaldi excels at providing fantastic adult entertainment for couples and non-couples alike. There’s a reason why the series is so popular—I credit Bobby Rinaldi!
I recently signed a contract with for the licensing to adult websites of any/all of my 42 releases from Dave Cummings Productions. I’m glad I’m a niche (older guy/younger women). I believe that the Internet is becoming the delivery platform king, and that VHS and DVD players are lagging way behind. I also feel that cell phones and mobile downloads are going to be huge providers -I think people will be heading to the bathroom stalls to masturbate during their work day, then returning to t heir desks with less stress and much more productivity and focus. Gosh, I hope they do likewise before getting on the busy highways for the drive home after work-see, the Adult Entertainment Industry might be a life-saving safety enhancement someday.
Summertime is sex time. Get in from the heat, and have sex in an air-conditioned place, even if it’s just masturbation. Be nice to others, and yourself. Use sun block. Drive attentively and responsibly. Value your family and friends. Vote!!!
Dave Cummings,