Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Jade Feng

I was thinking to stick with artistic nudes and pinup style for now. Something a little more mainstream and to be proud of (in the times that we live in). I will never be able to change the minds of people who have an unhealthy opinion about the adult industry. People just need to lighten up.
It’s probably because of the Bible and because dads always hid their Playboy magazines, that people grow up thinking that a woman who wants to share her sexuality is dirty and bad. They invent words like “pornography” and “smut” and blame it for being unfaithful to their spouses. The Sears catalog and National Geographic magazine could be considered pornography too.. It’s the way people think about it that makes it pornography or not.
Many people are addicted to sex, does that make me a pusher? If that is true, then we had better close down all of the breweries, grocery stores, restaurants, barbershops, and while we are at it, just fuck the whole internet and lets just all go back to the dark ages. People who claim that I objectify myself should take a look at themselves and see if they have nail polish on their toe nails or have had braces on their teeth or even put makeup on this morning.
When I walk down the street, there is always some twisted bitch that feels she has to make some degrading remark, or give me a dirty look. Is it my fault that her self esteem is so low that she feels threatened by people who look like me? Maybe she would feel better about herself if tonight she put on that maid costume that her husband bought her. Maybe she would feel better about herself if she could excite her husband and satisfy his fantasies. Maybe she should call him at work and tell him about how horny she is and how he should smell her fingers right now because she was feeling herself.
You know, there are classes for driving a car, for managing money, for ceramics and pottery, for learning a foreign language, and there are classes for having a healthy, fun sexual relationship with a spouse. People think nothing of taking a Spanish class, but somehow, asking one’s spouse to go to class on sexuality gets interpreted as an insult. Maybe people are too proud to think that they might need some professional training with communications and being intimate.
I think the adult industry is taking a really bad rap because of the way people refuse to grow up and take responsibility for their own actions. As my friend, Bill Margold told me: They will jack off to you with one hand and curse you with the other.