MWA: Aspen Reign, Ashton Moore, Jade Simone St Clair, Michelle Maylene


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Myles Shaffer

Myles Shaffer

Myles’ Weekend Adventures: Bonjour mon amis! Comment ca va? Myles Shaffer here. Wednesday evening, April 11Th, I went to Deja Vu Showgirls, in North Hollywood.

When I arrived, I asked the doorman if he might have been the Chris whom I had spoken with on the phone earlier. He told me no, Chris was the shift manager. He then asked me what he could do for me. I told him that he could let me in for free if he liked. He laughed and said he would if he could. I then told him that I knew the feature dancer. I also told him who I was and what I do. He then said, “Hang on, I’ll get the manager for you.

A few minutes later, Chris came out. (We both felt that we may have met somewhere before.) When I told Chris who I was, what I do, and that I knew the feature dancer, he immediately comped me!

During the evening, Chris would stop and speak with me for a minute or two whenever he could find the time, and he kept checking to see if there was anything I needed, or anything he could do for me. He also made it a point to make certain that the feature and her able assistant knew that I was there.

It most definitely made a big impression on me that Chris would take the time to make certain that I was comfortable, well taken care of, and that I enjoyed my time in the club. (I personally think that Chris would make a very good general manager some day!)

If anybody reading this ever finds themselves in the vicinity of this club with time on their hands, I want them to stop in and check the place out. The staff and management is extremely courteous and very friendly. The club is clean, looks good, and is comfortably furnished. Also, the house dancers and waitresses are beautiful and very sexy looking young women!

I would have very much enjoyed my time in this club, even if I had been required to pay the cover charge!

Okay, now theny, let us speak of the reason I went to Deja Vu on this evening.

Aspen Reign

I have written about Aspen in the past, and I am about to do it again.

Unfortunately, try as I might, I wasn’t able to get to the club in time to see more than Aspen’s final show. However, it was a great show as always!

Aspen is one of the best feature dancers in the business today! She always performs excellently on stage, and her interaction with the tip rail patrons is always sweet, friendly, and in general, very good!

I forgot to ask Aspen what she might call the show I saw, and I refuse to venture a guess for fear of getting it wrong.

Her costume, as usual, was beautiful and consisted of a number of different pieces. For footwear, Aspen wore a pair of black, stiletto heeled, thigh high boots that buckled up the outside of her legs. These boots were the only parts of her costume that never came off, and did she ever look sexy wearing nothing but those boots. If there were any people in the club during her show that had a shoe fetish, they must have been vibrating as if they were sitting on a live power line!

Every remaining piece of Aspen’s costume was black with yellow trim and decorated with Rhinestones. Her cape was black on the outside and yellow on the inside and had yellow triangles on the shoulders and the upper back. In addition to the cape, Aspen wore a floor length skirt like piece that was open in the front. She also wore a choker and a pair of arm bands that went from her wrists to about halfway to her elbows.

For a moment, I thought that Aspen was wearing a corset. That was until she took off her bra revealing the fact that she was actually wearing a piece that was more of a bustier that exposed her breasts. To finish off the costume, Aspen wore a black thong.

All of the various parts of Aspen’s costume appeared to be made of latex.

This was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen Aspen perform, especially since she used her own stage lighting system and her own sound system! Apparently Aspen and Cory drove to California this trip, which allowed Aspen to bring more of her own equipment than what is possible when flying out. Also, having Cory there to assist her, run the systems, and do the Dj duties is always a plus. The man knows what he is doing!

Aspen is a beautiful, very nice, friendly, intelligent, well spoken lady with a gorgeous body! Also, she very much enjoys meeting her fans.

No one should ever pass up an opportunity to go to a club to see Aspen perform and to meet her in person! This is one feature dancer not to be missed!

Take a good long look at Aspen at:

Ashton Moore

Thursday evening, I drove up to the Van Nuys Spearmint Rhino to chat with Ashton Moore and to observe her final show of the evening.

For the show I saw, Ashton wore knee-high, black, latex, platform soled, high heeled boots, black latex pants with red, orange and yellow flames from the hems to the knees, and a black bustier with a neck strap and red, orange and yellow flames on the front. Beneath the latex pants, Ashton wore a black bikini bottom.

Ashton performed this show to hard rock music.

Ashton always puts on a good show, and her interaction with the tip rail patrons is always extremely good. (During this show, Ashton had a house dancer I know laughing, giggling, and even squealing a few times. Now that is interacting! Lucky me! I was sitting right beside this action and had a great view of everything!)

Ashton is a beautiful, blonde haired, green eyed, woman with a great looking body! She is also quite intelligent, well spoken, has a great sense of humor, and is very friendly. Ashton truly loves to meet her fans!

I do highly recommend going to a local club to see Ashton perform and to meet her in person, of course. I have never once heard anybody complain about having seen one of Ashton’s shows and meeting her. And, I don’t expect that I ever will. Any man who wouldn’t like Ashton probably doesn’t like women at all.

Ashton can be ogled at:

Jade Simone St. Clair

Friday night, April 13Th, I drove down to the Fantasy Castle, in Signal Hill, to chat with Jade Simone St. Clair and to observe both of her shows. (I had actually planned to catch one show, then race up to the downtown Los Angeles Rouge in time to catch Janine Lindemulder’s last show of the evening. However, because of the events at the Long Beach Grand Prix causing Jade to run late getting to the club and starting her first show, I decided that I would stay for her final show rather than trying to make it up to Rouge and running the risk of not getting there in time.)

For her first show of the evening, Jade wore a costume that, especially in the dim lighting, at first appeared to be all one piece. It turned out to actually be several pieces that blended perfectly. The costume consisted of a bra, the cups of which were completely covered in red sequins, a white corset affair that went from her waist to just beneath her breasts and was trimmed with lines of red sequins and a white skirt that was also trimmed with lines of red sequins. Beneath the skirt was a red crinoline petticoat that had at least four white horizontal lines that completely encircled it. Finally, Jade wore an almost flesh colored G-string and high topped, black and white, high heeled shoes.

At one point in this show, Jade picked up what I can only call a gigantic light green and pink scarf like thing. Much of the material that made up this scarf like thing hung in long, slender, triangles. Jade performed a short but beautiful dance number utilizing this scarf like thing. (I really wish I had thought to ask Jade whether or not there was an official name for this thing. What’s that? Come on now, give me a break. Do I look like a women’s fashion designer? Don’t answer that!)

For her final show of the evening, Jade jumped up onto the stage from out of the middle of the audience wearing a small pink bikini bra and a very small red lacy thing that I can only refer to as a Tu Tu. And, she was bare-footed.

What was unique about this costume is the fact that beneath the aforementioned, Jade wore a white, “fat suit,” that had fake nipples and a patch of fake pubic hair. Under the, “fat suit,” Jade wore a flesh colored G-string.

Both of Jade’s shows were performed to rock music.

Jade ended both of her shows in a way I’ve never seen her do before. Once she was down to nothing but her G-string (the Castle is a topless club.), Jade put on a cordless headset microphone and the fun really started. Once she was wearing the mic, she began to kibitz and joke with the customers. Also, she did such a great job of interacting with randomly selected men and women, it caught me by surprise considering this club and it’s location.

This bit came very close to being a rather risque stand-up comedy routine, and the customers, staff, and house dancers loved it! Everybody in the club was cheering, yelling, and laughing their butts off!

If I have ever see any feature’s shows that I enjoyed more than I did Jade’s shows on this evening, I can’t remember when!

Jade is not to be missed! This lovely lady is a very friendly, caring, fun to be around woman. Also, I feel I can safely say that Jade is one of the top feature dancers in the business. I can not believe that anybody would ever be disappointed that they went to a club to see and meet Jade.

Check Jade out at:

Unfortunately, I still can’t seem to locate a website for Jade, and once again, I forgot to ask her if she has one.

Michelle Maylene

Saturday night, April 14Th, I drove out to the Rialto Spearmint Rhino to spend some time with Michelle Maylene and to observe her last two shows of the gig.

Michelle performed her nurse show for the first one I saw, and she danced to rock and hip hop music.

Her costume consisted of a white, latex, nurse’s cap with a white cross within a red ball in the center. She also wore a short, white, latex nurse’s dress with a white cross within a red ball over her left breast and with red trim. Beneath the dress, she wore a lacy, white, bra, a pink garter belt, white fishnet hose, and a pink G-string. On her feet, she wore white, platform soled, stiletto heeled shoes. To finish out the costume, Michelle went up onto the stage with a real stethoscope hanging from her neck and carrying a very large plastic replica of a hypodermic syringe.

Michelle ended the gig with her police officer show, and performed to rock music.

Her costume for this show consisted of a black police style hat, dark sunglasses, and a black top. It also consisted of a black plastic waistband that had at least four straps and buckles, a few keys hanging from a wide, black, plastic belt similar to a police officer’s utility belt, and a very short, black, mini skirt. Beneath all this, Michelle wore a small, black, bikini bra and pantie set. On her feet, she wore a pair of black, knee high, platform soled, stiletto heeled boots. To put the finishing touch on the costume, Michelle carried a black rubber night stick.

On her way to the stage, Michelle introduced the night stick to the crotches of three or four male customers, gently of course.

Michelle’s interaction with the tip rail patrons is rather conservative, usually being limited to lots of sexy smiles, close looks at the goodies, and occasionally stroking the cheek of randomly selected customers with her finger tips and/or nuzzling their cheek.

On this night, Michelle and I spoke between shows about the fact that her interaction was rather reserved, as we have at least once in the past. She told me that early on in her featuring, she had tried things such as rubbing her breasts against a customers face, but that she had some bad experiences when doing doing so. Therefore, she decided that she just didn’t feel that it was worth it. (I don’t blame her one little bit. I have many times over seen how some guys act in the clubs and it is disgraceful!)

At one point during her final show, and after she was nude, she came to me and rubbed her breast against my face. I had to laugh.

After the show, I told Michelle that the reason I laughed was because I instantly thought that the only reason she had done it was first because she trusted me and second because we had spoken about it before that show.

Michelle is a beautiful young woman with long black hair and dark brown eyes. While her body is somewhat on the petite side, it is never-the-less very beautiful and all natural. She is extremely sweet and friendly, intelligent, very well spoken, and she enjoys meeting and chatting with her fans. She also has a good sense of humor.

I not only recommend that nobody should ever miss an opportunity to go to a club to see Michelle Maylene perform and to meet her in person, but I also recommend that everybody should bug the owners and managers of their local clubs until they book her to feature at said clubs.

Michelle can be seen at:

Okay good people, that is it for another week. Everybody stay safe, live life as if there were no tomorrow, and we will all meet back here next time to continue the discussion of beautiful, sexy, women!

Before I go, I want to make a suggestion. I want everybody to go around smiling at everybody they see for the next week, especially people they see frequently during the average week. It will drive everybody crazy trying to figure out what you are up to! Hey, it might even make someone’s day, especially if you are a beautiful women!

Bonsoir et au revoir,

Myles Shaffer