Source: Adult Industry News
By: Steve Nelson

With cybersquatters ripping us off left and right here is a refreshing change – someone getting FROM a squatter and giving TO an Adult Industry Star.
Evidently Richard Erog admires Herschel Savage as much as I do. I know Richard and when he learned someone he was doing business with knew Herschel he saw the opportunity to do something good. Richard contacted a man in Greece who owns many pornstar domains and told this contact he wanted to make a gift of to Herschel and asked to be “billed the minimum charge.” The charge was 500 Euros.
Richard Erog had been trying to contact Herschel through other pornstars and even lawyers to no avail. Erog had papers made up that turn the domain over to Herschel with no strings attached. I had the honor of presenting the papers to Herschel on stage at the Showgirl Video Inductions into the Hall of Fame because Erog claims he is not good with words in front of people.
Because of this act of generosity I recommend Richard Erog’s services to the Industry. He designs, builds and maintains websites, can get domain names from squatters, programs in most languages, is extremely well connected in Europe and can do just about everything one would need in an IT expert. His email address is Please contact him for work through the link in the box to the right.