Erotic Service Providers Union Spring Events



By: Company Press Release

(SAN FRANCISCO, CA) — The Erotic Service Providers Union (, in conjunction with the Harvey Milk Democratic Club and Pride At Work, is proud to announce the first-ever ‘San Francisco Courtesan Carnival,’ series of charity events and parties that will support labor rights and education funding for erotic service providers.

Funds raised will provide tuition so 50 erotic service providers can attend intensive labor skills training organized by the United Association for Labor Education during the summer of 2007. The ‘San Francisco Courtesan Carnival’ will take place in San Francisco during the Spring of 2007, beginning Sunday, April 29, through to June 7, 2007. The first of the two confirmed events is the Porn Star Karaoke Rock and Roll Show and Auction, co-sponsored with the Harvey Milk Democratic Club (, that takes place at Annie’s Social Club, on April 29, 2007, from 6:00 p.m. to 10 p.m.

The frolicking continues with the ESPU’s Burlesque Cocktail Mixer and Silent Auction, co-sponsored with Pride at Work (, that takes place on Thursday, June 7th, 2007, from 7 p.m to 10 pm., at the Café Flores.

Funds acquired during these events will go to Summer Institute for Union Women training that will educate erotic service providers about their occupational, health, safety, social, civil and economic rights. In addition, erotic service providers will learn how to negotiate for improved wages and work conditions, organizing and how to stay organized, as well as how to wield the power of collective bargaining.

According to Maxine Doogan, organizer of the ESPU, "The ESPU’s fun-filled and light hearted events all have a more serious intent, which is to educate erotic service providers about their labor rights. The ESPU is honored to have the co-sponsorship support of the Harvey Milk Democratic Club and Pride at Work. The GLBT community is the leader of sexual freedom rights and there is a natural association with, and empathy for, erotic service providers and their rights efforts. Working together we will create a more powerful force in the labor rights movement."

The Erotic Service Providers Union seeks to gain agency on behalf of all erotic service providers regarding their occupational, health, safety, social, civil, and economic rights through affiliating with organized labor. An Erotic Service Provider is anyone who is compensated for his or her erotic services or compensated for their support of someone else’s erotic service. Maxine concludes, "By associating with organized labor, which is already aware of our common labor rights, we can access support for our labor and social rights through their already existing structures."

Event schedule subject to change. Please visit for up-to-the-minute event schedules. Confirmed ESPU Spring 2007 Events the Porn Star Karaoke and Rock and Roll Show Auction takes place Sunday, April 29, 2007, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., Annie’s Social Club, 917 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA. Tel: 415-974-1585. Admission price: Minimum donation $20 per person. Tickets will be available online at and at the door the day of the event. For directions, please visit:

The ESPU’s Burlesque Cocktail Mixer and Silent Auction takes place Thursday, June 7, 2007, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., at Café Flore, 2298 Market Street, located at the corner of Market and Noe, San Francisco, CA. Tel: 415-621-8579. Admission: Free. For directions, please visit: