Source: Adult Industry News
By: Myles Shaffer

Myles’ Weekend Adventures: Bonjour mon amis! Comment ca va? Myles Shaffer here. Because of my losing my DSL connection last Thursday evening, which caused me to have to spend at least two and a half hours on the phone… it was too late to go anywhere. Then Friday evening rolls around, and I am so worn out from the frustration of fighting with my connection going on and off all day long, I just didn’t feel like going anywhere. Come Saturday evening, I had to make a hard decision. No two out of three features were dancing close enough to each other for me to be able to get from one club to another in time to see two ladies in one night.
So now then, let us speak of the one lady I did see.
Saturday, March 3rd, I went to the downtown Los Angeles Rouge Gentlemen’s Club to spend the evening with August.
August is a beautiful, sweet, friendly, well spoken lady who loves her fans and greatly enjoys meeting and chatting with them. She also just happens to have a very sexy looking body!
Unfortunately, for some of the same reasons I was unable to go out Thursday and Friday evenings, I got to the club and walked in just in time to see August’s pretty little nude butt walking off of the stage and heading for the dressing room to prepare to come out onto the floor for her after show signing. So, I was only able to see her perform her last show of the gig. Although, the one show I saw was well worth the trip downtown.
For the show I was able to observe on this night, August wore a red Chinese dress with gold markings. The dress was slit up both sides high on the thighs almost to her hips. She carried a matching paper and bamboo umbrella at the start of the show. Beneath the dress, August wore a red bikini style bra and a G-string with silver sequins attached. For footwear, August wore transparent, stiletto heeled, platform soled, shoes.
August ended the show with a lotion bit. All in all, she performed very well on stage, as usual, and her interaction with randomly selected tip rail squatters was very good.
I do not want anybody who gets a chance to go to a club to see August perform and to meet her in person to ever allow such an opportunity to slip by them. August is well worth the time and effort.
Visit August at:
That is it for this week. Everybody stay safe, live life as if there were no tomorrow, and we’ll all soon meet back here and speak of beautiful women!
Bonsoir et au revoir,
Myles Shaffer