Source: FJS Corp
By: Company Press Release

Dear friends and supporters,
Still no date for the trial but keeping our fingers crossed that it is within the next 10 days as “suggested” by the lawyers. Nothing is firm in Panama, except the the expectation to get screwed.
Meanwhile we are living on fumes and constantly have to search for survival funds. If you can spare anything at all please go to and contribute whatever you can by PayPal. There is a button on the site to do this.
Hopefully, after the trial we will be able to sue and collect funds from the newspapers which slandered me as well as the television stations. There are strict anti-calumny and slander laws in Panama and this is in my favor. Suing the government will take some time and is not a sure thing.
Everyone who has contributed will be paid back once the newspapers and TV stations pay up.
As I mentioned before, things are inexpensive in Panama and this has helped in surviving and small money goes a long way. $10.00 pays for a week’s worth of gas for the lawyer or phone calls or whatever.
Fred Salaff
The FJS Group