Source: Adult Industry News
By: Steve Nelson

While visiting the set of in the Sin Gentlemens Club in Las Vegas I happened to run into a girl named LaRue McCay who came in to see the show and say hello to Ryan, Mikki and Misty who run the show. Since Larue has such a full, beautiful rack I wanted to share the find with the world, so…
LaRue is an adult entertainer, burlesque dancer, fire eater and is definitely into foot and stocking fetish from the pictures available on her website. She likes fantasy, roll playing and also has a vampire fetish.
LaRue started doing nude fetish modeling in 2003, dancing nude in 2004 and has been escorting since April 2006. On the addition of escorting to her list of endeavors she says, “It’s my personality 100%”. She likes being a person’s fantasy and is especially into roll playing.
LaRue has two websites. is a slick and classy site featuring artisitc and erotic photographs from her modeling portfoloio, and is her Courtesan site, where you may inquire how to spend private time with her. Both sites prove to show you LaRue at her best.
LaRue also has a college degree in business administration with an emphasis on marketing. She worked in the corporate world in New York and “could run your office naked” as she puts it. Imagine going into the office and seeing a naked LaRue strutting around taking care of corporate business!
Fortunately for boob lovers world wide, LaRue may do adult movies in the future. Currently she has done girl/girl and wants to do some quality projects and not just the typical gonzo.
She is available for parties, escorting (GFE, fantasy, role play) and has a girlfriend that could accompany her. She is located in Las Vegas but will go to Los Angeles for work. Contact her through her websites.
This MiniView is also being published in Gent Magazine and should be hitting the newsstands now. Look for exclusive pictures and “TitBits” of information in my column “The News Rack”. -Steve Nelson