Sin City Chamber Initiates Operation Sin City


Source: The Sin City Chamber of Commerce

By: Company Press Release

Task Force Phoenix

(LAS VEGAS, NV) — The Sin City Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that it has begun Operation Sin City. Operation Sin City is a grass roots campaign to raise the spirits of United States Army Soldiers in Task Force Phoenix currently stationed in Afghanistan.

Sin City Chamber of Commerce Members have been asked to contribute some items to raise the morale of Task Force Phoenix and to show a just a token of the gratitude that is felt collectively to our brave fighting men and women.

The origins of Operation Sin City began quite simply with an email that began “Greetings from Afghanistan” wrote Spencer Martin, Sergeant First Class of Task Force Phoenix. Sergeant Martin’s email went on, “I’ll tell you that it’s hard to find information on brothels and related industry on our systems because it’s filtered out. Anyway, I’m in charge of a bunch of guys that are pretty fascinated with the business since being told about it by another of my soldiers who lives in Las Vegas. I don’t know if you can arrange it, but these guys would love to get some kind of autographed photos or calendars or something. We’ve been here for several months and I think it would be good for their spirits.” (Kevin Barnett of North Las Vegas was the soldier.)

“Operation Sin City began with a simple request, however, the Executive Staff of the Sin City Chamber decided to delve into the collective power of our membership and the response has been overwhelming” commented Michael Russell, Executive Vice President. “When I received this request, I empathized with Spencer immediately and knew the Chamber Members would help to make the men and women of Task Force Phoenix understand that we honor their service and understand the sacrifices they are making enable us to live and do business in a free society.”

As fate would have it, the request for information was about legal Nevada Brothels. After visiting the Chicken Ranch Brothel over the course of the past few years to speak to the working girls about the benefits of membership (incorporation, tax, home, health, help and discounts,) it was discovered that Debbie Rivenburgh Madam at the Chicken Ranch Brothel had a daughter in Iraq. Debbie and the Chicken Ranch Brothel would from time to time send care packages to her daughter and the solders in her unit.

Upon learning about Debbie’s daughter, now stationed in South Korea, Sergeant Spencer wrote, “Please tell the lady at the Chicken Ranch to thank her daughter for us. Iraq is a tough gig. So, is Korea as far as that goes.”

Operation Sin City has already taken affect. Upon hearing about the creation of Operation Sin City, Sergeant Spencer wrote, “I can’t thank you enough. Lots of smiles this morning when we got your message. Thank you, so much, for your quick response. My soldiers are stoked that you wrote back. I’ve got over 20 guys in my section and it’s a constant effort to find things that keep them motivated and happy. Finding the Sin City Chamber seems to have excited them. “

While viewing the initial photographs sent by Sergeant Spencer, Adriana Picazo Russell, Director of International Relations commented, “What amazing women, we have to do something special for the ladies on that Team too!” it was so decided that a special focus to provide comfort to the outstanding ladies of Task Force Phoenix. There are currently five female members of Task Force Phoenix serving in Afghanistan that will also receive a few items to remind them that their service and commitment is appreciated.

Operation Sin City will begin with a collection of products, gift items, and of course some calendars and products from the Chicken Ranch Brothel and Sheri’s Ranch Brothel. Additional contribution commitments have already been made by: Nite Tours International, Corps of Compassion, Seamless Gentlemen’s Club, Color-Gamut Digital Imaging, One-Vibe Studios, Bridgeport Benefit of Nevada, Inc., Hot Shot Studios, Reliant Web Services, Travel Lodge, Las Vegas and many more. The first collection of items will conclude on Friday, February 2, 2007. The shipment of the collected items will be made on February 7th. Each donated item will be sorted as some products are restricted.

Sergeant Spencer wrote, “It’s kind of a “no-fun zone”. Occasionally, the Px will sell a Playboy video, but on the whole, we are limited, by regulation, to material equaling “Maxim”, “Stuff”, “Curves”, etc. It’s a crime for us to possess anything more revealing than that.”

The Members of Task Force Phoenix have accepted an Honorary Membership in the Sin City Chamber of Commerce. “Our hope that the good will of the Sin City Chamber Membership reaches the men and women of Task Force Phoenix and that they can find comfort knowing that they are sincerely appreciated. Furthermore, in the years that follow we hope that they will honor us by having a reunion here in Las Vegas, perhaps at our Annual Spring BBQ at the Chicken Ranch Brothel in Pahrump” commented Michael Russell.

If you would like to donate a few items to Operation Sin City, please forward an email to or call 702-450-7222 to arrange to drop off your contribution. Please note the Sin City Chamber of Commerce is a for Profit Company. Operation Sin City is part of our philanthropic efforts as a Chamber of Commerce representing a very diverse business community. Donations are voluntary.

Visit to learn more about the Sin City Chamber of Commerce.

Letter from Afghanistan – About Task Force Phoenix

Mr. Russell,

Thank you, so much, for your quick response. My soldiers are stoked that you wrote back. I’ve got over 20 guys in my section and it’s a constant effort to find things that keep them motivated and happy. Finding the Sin City Chamber seems to have excited them. Per your last message, I am writing to describe what we do here and send a few photos. I’ll send more (if you are interested) and will continue to correspond as long as you like.

My team is called an “Effects Team”. Our responsibility is to shape the battlefield, via non-lethal information and humanitarian operations, before, during and after kinetic (lethal) operations. The team parallels traditional Civil Affairs and Psyop functions which include identifying and executing reconstruction projects, generating and distributing humanitarian aid to the Afghans, exploiting negative enemy and positive coalition activity in the various media venues in the nation.

We’ve been here for about eight months. In that time we have funded millions of dollars of projects including hospitals, wells, schools, irrigation systems, roads, etc. We have also generated tons of humanitarian aid from the States and distributed it to Afghans, in need, all over the country. My soldiers have traveled, extensively, through out Afghanistan in the course of their missions and have seen more of the country than most soldiers ever will.

It’s an amazing country; possessing many of the geographic characteristics of our own. There are deserts, semi-tropical zones, huge mountain ranges, forests, vast grasslands and cities of millions. The Kabul area is much like northern Nevada and south eastern Oregon. It presents barren, expansive terrain interrupted by dramatic mountain ranges.

Kabul is a city of close to five million. During the civil war and the Taliban regime, it was the center of many battles and much destruction. Prior to the late ‘70’s Kabul was “almost modern”. However, the war fighters pretty much bombed it into the dark ages. It’s like the Wild West right now. There is very little law and order to fight the bandits, bombers and bank robbers. The silver lining is that there are a lot of people in the country fighting for a better way of life.

Currently the weather is comprised of intermittent snow storms and freezing temperatures. The highs are in the low 40’s and lows in the teens. Sometime in March, it will start to heat up and we’ll get temperatures in the consistent 110’s by June. Not too bad. Weather wise, the guys in Iraq probably have worse hot weather and we have the cold stuff. The weather here is very similar to my home town in Oregon.

Most of us are from communities in Oregon. Even the guy from Las Vegas is an original Oregonian. We do have some other states represented in the section. The Task Force we belong to has representation from every State and Territory and all four branches of the military.

Hopefully, we’ll be moving out of here and heading home sometime in June. It’s been a long haul. Including the train-up, most of us haven’t been home (for more than a few days) for over a year. By the time it’s done, we’ll have been gone for about 17 months. Thankfully, it seems to have gone by pretty fast. Although, I don’t think our families would agree.

Thank you, once again, for taking the time to support the guys. Please let me know if I can send you anything or if you have any questions about the team.


Spencer Martin

SFC/USA Effects Ncoic Task Force Phoenix

Photograph Courtesy of Spencer Martin SFC/USA Effects Ncoic Task Force Phoenix