MWA: Jenna Haze, Jade Simone St. Clair, Nakita Kash, Jersey, Nikki Benz


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Myles Shaffer

Myles Shaffer

Myles’ Weekend Adventures: Bonjour mon amis! Comment ca va? Myles Shaffer here. I can’t think of anything to rant about this week, other than the fact that I’m not rich. Since I strongly suspect that I may be the only person in the world who cares about my lack of wealth, let us move on to the discussion of beautiful women without further ado.

Jenna Haze

Thursday evening, October 26th, I drove out to the Rialto Spearmint Rhino to say hello to Jenna Haze and to catch one of her shows.

I had intended to stay for at least two of Jenna’s shows. However, once I was in the club, lack of sleep rapidly began to catch up with me; therefore, after her first show, I spoke with Jenna for a few minutes, then excused myself and headed home for a much needed night of unconsciousness.

Since I have written about Jenna a number of times in the recent past, I’ll attempt to keep this short.

Jenna’s costumes are always appealing and sexy, plus her musical selection is always good.

As for her stage performances, Jenna has come a long way since her feature debut weekend a couple of years ago. In my honest opinion, she is one of the most entertaining features around. Also, Jenna’s interaction with the tip rail patrons is quite adequate!

Jenna Haze is quite possibly the most upbeat, positive thinking, beautiful inside and out woman I have ever met. Additionally, she is extremely friendly, has a wonderful sense of humor, and she loves to meet her fans. If a person were to look the word sweetheart up in the dictionary, I strongly suspect they would find a picture of Jenna!

I do not want anybody to ever pass up an opportunity to go to a club to see Jenna Haze perform and to meet her in person. In the couple of years she has been featuring, she has transformed herself into an absolute must see!

Visit Jenna at:

Jade Simone St. Clair

Friday evening, October 27Th, I drove down to the Fantasy Castle, in Signal Hill, to see Jade Simone St. Clair. Unfortunately, around ten o’clock, Jade told me that, because of all the Halloween party things going on at the club, she had no idea when the club was going to put her up on stage for a show. Since I had other fish to fry, after chatting with Jade for fifteen or twenty minutes, and getting several great hugs and a couple of nice kisses, I excused myself, with Jade’s blessings, and hit the road for another club.

I can say from past experience that Jade is not to be missed! This lovely lady is a very friendly, caring, fun to be around woman. Also, I feel I can safely say that Jade is one of the top feature dancers in the business. I can not believe that anybody would ever be disappointed that they went to a club to see and meet Jade.

Check Jade out at:

Unfortunately, I’ve never been able to locate a website for Jade, and senile old fool that I am, I never seem to be able to remember to ask her about a website, when I see her. Maybe I should call her and ask while I am thinking about it. (Update: I just now attempted to call Jade. All I got for my efforts was her voice mail. Ah well, at least I tried.)

Nakita Kash

After leaving the Castle, I burned up the Los Angeles freeway system in order to get to the Blue Zebra Cabaret, in North Hollywood, in time to observe Nakita Kash’s last two shows of the evening.

Since I have written about Nakita many times now, I’m going to save space and simply say that Nakita is one of the best features in the business today, and her interaction with the tip rail customers is excellent.

This lovely lady is very friendly, nice, and an absolute joy to be around.

In a nutshell, Nakita Kash is a feature not to be missed, so if anybody reading this ever gets a chance to go to a club to see Nakita perform and to meet her in person, they should get up off of their butts and do it! seems to have disappeared from the Internet. However, I’m certain pictures of Nakita can be found simply by doing an Internet search for her name.


Saturday evening, October 28Th, I drove to the downtown Los Angeles Spearmint Rhino to observe Jersey’s first show of the evening and to say hello.

Jersey, as I have written before, is the 2006 Spearmint Rhino Entertainer of the Year. I have known Jersey for about three years now, to the best of my recollection, and she has always been a cut above the average house dancer. Since winning the 2006 Eoty title and feature dancing at Rhino Corporation clubs all over the United States for nearly a year now, Jersey have evolved into a very good and entertaining feature! Her costumes are very nice-looking and sexy, her musical selection is always good, her pole work is good, she performs very well on stage, and her interaction with the tip rail squatters is excellent.

Jersey told me on this night that she hasn’t yet made up her mind as to whether or not she wants to continue being a feature dancer, after her reign as Etoy has ended. I for one most definitely hope that she does ultimately decide to be a career feature dancer. I don’t care one little bit if she never does adult films, although I wouldn’t mind seeing her in a XXX film and if she never again appears in a men’s magazine, I just want to be able to continue to see her on a stage for so long as possible!

If anybody gets an opportunity to go to a club to see Jersey perform and to meet her in person, do not allow said opportunity to slip away. Also, if anybody out there does get a chance to meet Jersey in person, please, encourage her to continue feature dancing for so long as possible!

Once again, I forgot to ask Jersey about how her website is coming along, and I have not succeeded in finding a site for her on the Internet. Maybe somebody else will have better luck and will share the information with the rest of the world.

Nikki Benz

After saying goodnight to Jersey, and getting a few really nice hugs, I drove the few blocks around the corner, so to speak, to the downtown Los Angeles Rouge to say hello to Nikki Benz and to observe her last two shows of the evening.

Since I have written about Nikki a good number of times now, let’s see if I can manage to keep it brief this time around.

Nikki is friendly, well-spoken, and a pleasure to chat with. Plus, I do believe she truly enjoys meeting her fans.

Nikki’s musical selection is always appropriate for the show she is performing at the moment, and her costumes are always very good. Additionally, Nikki’s interaction with the majority of the customers sitting at the tip rail during any particular show is excellent!

I do recommend that nobody ever pass up an opportunity to go to a club to see Nikki Benz perform and to meet her in person. She will not disappoint! Take a look at Nikki at:

That is it for another week good people. Everybody stay safe and have a fantastic week!

Bonsoir et au revoir, Myles Shaffer