Darklady’s Sexpose: Queer Sex & Sexuality W/Jason Sechrest


Source: Darklady

By: Company Press Release

Jason Sechrest

Darklady’s “Sexposé” Thursday, October 26, 2006 2:00pm Pt/5:00pm Et YNOTRadio.com Log on. Listen. Join in the chat room conversation.

Topic: Queer Sex & Sexuality w/Jason Sechrest

Guest: Jason Sechrest: Award winning porn media maven and “Oprah of Porn.” www.JasonSechrest.com & www.DV8Entertainment.com

Jason Sechrest is a queer identified porn journalist, gossip columnist, Pr representative, talk show & porn karaoke host, and mainstream actor for starters. The 26-year-old self-described “tyke tycoon” has won multiple CyberSocket awards for excellence but never performed sexually in front of a camera. Now he’s exploring his spirituality.

Join Darklady for yet another lively online conversation, this time with Jason Sechrest. Find out how the youthful Sechrest became one of Arena Magazine’s “50 Most Powerful People in Porn.” Learn why anyone hoping to make it in the mainstream would become so immersed in the world of porn. And what’s this about the Kabbalah? All of this and more awaits you on “Darklady’s “Sexposé.”

“Darklady’s “Sexposé” is re-broadcast on Wednesdays at 9am Pt, Saturdays & Sundays at 9pm Pt — and past shows are archived Now online. Podcasts are available via feeds.ynotradio.com/sexpose.

Upcoming Topics:

11-02-06 = Courtesan Sex, Sensuality, & Healing w/Veronica Monet

11-09-06 = Best of Darklady’s “Sexposé”

11-16-06 = Bisexuals, Transsexuals, and Free Speech w/Spanky

11-23-06 = Thanksgiving!

— Darklady

Assistant editor, YNOT.com

Host, “Darklady’s Sexpose,” YNOTRadio.com

