Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Joe Romero

Hello All,
I am letting you know that I am no longer working or performing as Joe Romero. I want to thank all my friends in the business for all the respect you have given me over a 14 year span. I want to thank the editor at for the press for you gave me over the years as gay porn’s rock star.
I want to thank all the fans all over the world for the love and support you gave me for with out you I could not have given you Joe Romero. Thank you to the producers and directors that I have worked with for the respect you gave me and all the work you gave me your all great in my eyes.
Thank you Chi Chi LaRue for putting me her book “Making it big” and always treating me dignity and respect; “I love you”!
Thank you Rob Halford and RuPaul for the friendship you showed me and for the support when I did my CD “Sexpig” back in 2000. I left Hollywood to relocate to Manchester, New Hampshire to bury my mother 1 year ago and stayed here.
I now work in a hospital for a living here and am using my star power by helping raise money for people living with AIDS here and I serve as chairperson on the greater Manchester AIDS project community adversary board committee.
I am living a spiritual life now and am under the advise of spiritual advisor/medium Norm Moody as to battling my cancer and curing myself. This spiritual advisor had predicted that I was about to find out a month back that I have cancer. I went and had the test taken and my results came back positive. (Cancer) I was very scared of dying of cancer at first but now have taken the battle on and am being treated by a cancer holistic practitioner.
I will assure you that I will prevail in the future and have decided that I will not do the chemotherapy or radiation treatment that the cancer doctors want me to. I refuse to do Western treatment because I am living with a low immune system so I have decided to battle this disease with eastern style medicine and also the under the guidance of my medium/physic advisor Norm Moody.
Since my diagnosis I have been told by numerous doctors they want to treat the cancer. I responded I don’t want to treat this disease, I want to cure it… I didn’t have it before and I am stronger in mind body and spirit than you could ever imagine and I will cure myself and prove to the world i can do it. That’s how I accomplished and succeeded at everything I have done in the past.
Thank you all for all your love and support and friendship throughout all the years. You’re all #1 in my eyes.
I can be reached at if need be. Again, thank you.
Joe Romero