By: Dave Cummings

In a number of my past columns over the last few years, I warned about the glut of porn footage and new companies tardily entering the adult video/DVD business and further over-supplying the already crowded market place; of late, numerous others have likewise now noted and begun to also comment about it on adult news/gossip sites/etc; for years now, in the on-site classes I teach on how-to-make-adult-videos, as well as at my, I’ve expressed my personal views concerning the constantly growing mountains of excess productions, and hopefully I’ve had an impact on cautioning and saving many of my students from wasting their money and efforts on an already glutted productions market. Unfortunately, I was correct about the glut, and now I fear a shaking out of some of the present companies producing porn. I hope we consumers don’t lose future access to any of our long-time favorite porn series!
In another column I wrote shortly after the foray in Iraq, I correctly opined that the Dow Jones (which was then was at a level around 8,200) would recover to pre 9-11 levels near 11,000—I’m glad I was on target with that prediction; in that same monthly column, I also expressed my concerns about the possibility that crude oil prices might increase dramatically and threaten economic growth/inflation/stability, and lead to higher interest rates—I wish I had been wrong in that worry, but…!
Last month’s column urged everyone to register to vote and get others to follow suit, to become informed voters, and to actually vote in every upcoming election. I’ve been concerned about the present negative noise-making against allowing consenting citizens to continue having their Constitutional right to access legal porn productions, and I worry that unless we All get involved in rallying the true All-Americans to vote accordingly, we might soon see religious fanatics continuing to adversely influence lawmakers at all levels of government and indirectly affect/infect our future sex lives. Believe me, I sincerely hope last month’s column was not in vain. I hope my worrying is unfounded, and I pray that you vote and help return our free country back to real freedoms! Please help me stop being a worrywart concerned about Our freedom to access legally produced porn!
On another note, one of the subjects I also discuss in my video-making classes is my personal thinking that obscenity convictions will continue to be pursued by politically conservative governments, but that eventually they will constitutionally trip over the First Amendment now that “community standards” can no longer consist of only small geographical locales; the Internet and mass communications like television, video-on-demand, and the future cell phone delivery systems, has widened the playing field to such an extent that jaded religious views of the few but verbose religious radicals and the people they bully/influence can’t alter or halt the ongoing mainstreaming of porn. Indeed, the breadth of porn’s acceptance by overall populations is so pronounced that the modern community standards will undoubtedly testify and find that the present legit porn world produces porn, but not obscenity! Now, once that realty becomes the law of the land, I think the focus of future religious/government/hypocrite attacks will lessen against the porn per se but might increase upon the actual individual people in the Adult Industry, and possibly against consumers of Adult Entertainment. Because of this, to avoid being targeted by such entities as the IRS and law enforcement, I urge Industry individuals to make certain that they accurately and comprehensively compile and pay all their taxes without fail (keep in mind that recent escort-related entities, past “mafia” individuals, and even some past Adult Industry folks, were pursued/prosecuted by the IRS once other avenues were closed down to prosecutors by the courts); that we all adopt a personal standard of deportment against driving while under the influence; that we guard against alcohol or drugs being involved in any manner on or near porn sets, and that no one of legal drinking age provides alcoholic beverages to adult performers under 21 or others under any circumstances, and that we all realize that we might well be under a more powerful microscope than non-porn entities and persons. Actually, with the ongoing movement of all facets of the Adult Industry into the mainstream, following the aforementioned and other responsible ways of life might even possibly make us an inspiring example for others to emulate—wouldn’t it be a nice lessen to the enemies of present day porn if they see our personal behaviors being admired by society!
Please: re-read the above; become an informed voter and urge others to do likewise; personally strive for and sustain responsible personal behaviors as models for others in America and elsewhere to admire and follow; and, let’s positively influence and convert some of the radical religious hypocrites to realize that sex between consenting adults is a God-given way of life that is natural, normal, and healthy! Heck, let’s wave a magic wand and somehow arrange for the religious and political hypocrites to watch and guiltlessly enjoy porn, visit gentlemen’s clubs, join adult web sites, and masturbate without wrongly feeling like they are bad boys and girls!
Enjoy our precious lives on Earth,
Dave Cummings