Source: FJS Corp
By: Company Press Release

Dear friends and supporters,
Things move very very slowly in Panama, especially justice. The police Major, Erik Estrada who made the false arrest in my case is now finally under judicial scrutiny. His falsification of the arrest documents is moving through the system ever so slowly but the implications are of extreme importance. If, Estrada is finally charged with the crime of falsification of the documents, along with his cohorts who assisted it could possibly mean a dismissal of all charges against me and all the others who are still technically in the case.
The important factor is for my attorney to apply all possible pressure within the system to get a definitive charge against Estrada. My lawyer says that with this charge the judge would be greatly induced to drop the case. In almost any other “reasonable’ country in which an arrest is proven to be false or made with forged documents, the case is immediately dropped. We are in Panama where “normal and “reasonable” often do not apply.
Because my lawyer needs more money, especially now, I am appealing for donations to my legal defense fund. If you can, please make any size donation by going to my site: and clicking on the PayPal Donation button. Many thanks!
Fred Salaff
The FJS Group