Source: Private Media Group, Inc.
By: Company Press Release

(BARCELONA, SPAIN) — Private Media Group Inc. (NASDAQ: PRVT) a worldwide leader in premium-quality adult entertainment products, services and Internet content, announces the opening of the first Private Museum Exhibition at the Museum Erotica in Copenhagen on June 3rd, 2006.
The first-ever Private exhibition, 40 Years of Private, will go on show at the Museum Erotica on June 3rd, 2006 and will be exhibited until January 15th, 2007. The exhibition will feature information, pictures and movies spanning the first 40 years of Private, bringing us the complete history from 1965 to 2005.
Private began as the world’s first full colour hardcore adult magazine in 1965 by photographer Berth Milton Sr. Later on Berth Milton Jr., the son of the founder, saved the company from near destruction despite his unwillingness to have anything to do with adult entertainment, and was dubbed by the press as the “reluctant porn king.” Berth Milton Jr. expanded the company from a one-magazine business to the entertainment empire it is today.
Since opening in 1994, just below one million guests has walked through the doors of the Museum Erotica Copenhagen. Kim Riksfedlt-Clausen and Ole Ege, as pioneers of sexual freedom and understanding, are the Directors of Museum Erotica and very proud to have been chosen as the very first museum to have a Private exhibition. Ole Ege stated that “As a journalist I interviewed Berth Milton Sr. And I admire his son as much as admired the father and it is my pleasure to be a part of this exhibition.”
Priva, Private’s only contract girl, four other porn stars taken from Private’s most famous movies — including Sex Angels 2 — and Gary Thoulouis, Director of Marketing, will be on hand for the ribbon cutting ceremony and the exclusive after party at the infamous Nasa Night Club on Friday June 2nd in Copenhagen. Berth Milton proudly says “That after the death of my father on December 31st, 2005, this exhibition means a lot more to me than it ever would and is in many ways a dedication to my father as a pioneer in the adult entertainment industry.”
Private Media Group will be available to speak about the present and future ventures of the company, what New Media means to adult entertainment and fashion industry’s current devotion to porn stars and how Private Media Group intends to position itself in order to capitalize on these changes, while continuing to satisfy its core and emerging consumers. We invite the press to contact us to for more information or to request photographs and interviews.
About Private Media Group
With its 40 year track record, Private Media Group is a world leading adult lifestyle company which distributes a wide range of erotic and semi-erotic multimedia content over several platforms, including wireless and broadcasting technologies, narrow and broadband Internet, DVD and Magazines. Private Media Group also licenses its Private and SilverGirls trademarks internationally for a range of luxury consumer products and owns the worldwide rights to the largest archive of high quality adult content in the world, which it distributes all over Europe, North America, Latin America, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and Asia.
For further information, photos or to schedule interviews please contact:
Ansley Gardner
Private Media Group
Tel +34 93 590 70 70