MWA: Adriana Sage, Regan Anthony, Brooke Haven, Nikki Benz


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Myles Shaffer

Myles Shaffer

Myles’ Weekend Adventures: Bonjour mon amis! Comment ca va? Myles Shaffer here. If nothing goes wrong, I’ll be leaving the state and won’t be back until around the 29Th or 30Th. However, if my information is correct, I may have something to write about while traveling. Thanks to Jonathan, who took the time to go onto the Internet to find and provide me with the following info, it appears that Mia Haze will be performing at the Gold Club, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, this week, followed by Zoe Britton next week. Also, apparently Erika Eve will be dancing at Desperados, in Carencro, Louisiana, next week.

I had a chance to see and meet Erika Eve at the New Orleans Gold Club a few years ago, but her first night was my last night in town. Since, at that time, I had never heard of Erica Eve, I decided to stay in, save some money, do some laundry, and get some rest before heading home the next morning.

A couple of weeks later, I saw some pictures of Erica Eve on the Internet, and I’ve been kicking myself in the butt ever since! Well now, maybe I’ll be able to make up for lost time!

Okay, enough already, let us begin the discussion of beautiful, preferably nude, women!

Adriana Sage

Thursday evening, May 11Th, I went to the downtown Los Angeles Spearmint Rhino to say hello to Adriana Sage and to observe her first show of the evening.

I have written about Adriana before, so I’ll keep this short.

Adriana is a very sexy, young Latina. Born in Mexico, but raised in San Diego, she is quite well spoken, sweet, friendly, and appears to truly enjoy meeting her fans.

She performs so well on stage as many of the features I’ve seen in recent years, and far better than a few. Her music is good, her costumes sexy, and her interaction with the tip rail patrons is adequate.

I most definitely recommend a trip to a local club to see and meet this fine, young, lady in person, given the opportunity.

Take a good look at Adriana at:

Regan Anthony

After saying good night to Adriana, I raced down to the Rio to finish up my evening with Regan Anthony and to observe her last show of the evening.

Between catching her still on the floor and the signing after her final show, we spoke with each other so much, we discussed thing I can’t possibly speak of here in the column. Don’t worry. No ones ears should be burning. It was mostly two friends opening up to each other with personal and private things that can’t be shared with the entire world.

Since I have written about Regan before, I’ll once again attempt to keep it brief.

Regan performs well on stage, her music is always good and appropriate, her costumes are sexy and appealing, and her interaction with the tip rail squatters is quite good.

For the one show I saw this night, Regan wore a costume that was not really a school girl uniform, rather it was a hybrid between clothes a young girl might wear to a public school and the dress worn by Alice in the Walt Disney feature length cartoon, “Alice in Wonderland.” This costume was very cute, right down to the white bra and the pink, ruffled, panties she wore beneath the costume.

Regan Anthony is well worth a trip to a nearby club to see and meet her in person. In fact, I would like for my readers to begin the process of bugging the owners and managers of their local clubs to book Regan for a feature gig A.S.A.P.!

Pay homage to Regan at:

Brooke Haven

Friday evening, May 12Th, I drove out to the Rialto Spearmint Rhino to see Brooke Haven and to observe her first two shows of the evening.

Yes, I have written about Brooke a few times, and yes, I am going to try and keep this short.

Brooke is beautiful, sweet, friendly, well spoken, has a great sense of humor, and loves to meet her fans. Plus, she is my friend, so everybody be extremely nice to her, or I will find a Voodoo Priestess in New Orleans and have her put a hex on anybody who is mean or rude to Brooke. Don’t worry too much. It will, no doubt, be a very inexpensive hex. I’m so tight, I squeak when I walk!

Brooke is a good performer, her musical selection is always appropriate, her costumes, while generally simple, are always very sexy, and her interaction with the denizens of the tip rail is excellent.

Brooke Haven comes with my highest recommendations, so do not pass up an opportunity to go to a club to see her perform and to meet her in person. Anybody who fails to follow my recommendation will be cut out of my nonexistent will!

Brooke can be visited at:

Nikki Benz

Saturday evening, May 13Th, I went to the Blue Zebra Cabaret, in North Hollywood, to spend some time with Nikki Benz and to observe her last two shows of this gig.

For the first show I saw this night, Nikki performed her, “Gangster,” show wearing the unusual and sexy variation of a black and white, pin-stripped, gangster era suit that I’ve written about before.

For the final show of this evening, Nikki wore the sexiest, most abbreviated version of a french maid uniform I’ve seen to date, complete with a small feather duster. (I don’t believe there was any dust collected on the only things Nikki rubbed that duster over!)

Nikki is a lovely, blonde haired, young woman, and, she is a bit taller than the average woman; although, she is not gigantic by any means.

Ms. Benz is very nice, friendly, intelligent, well spoken, has a very good sense of humor, and yes, she loves meeting her fans.

Nikki is a very good performer, who dances to good, appropriate music, and interacts very well with the customers. And, as people should be able to tell from reading above about two of Nikki’s costumes, her dance wardrobe and the corresponding shows are quite interesting and very appealing.

Nobody should ever miss out on an opportunity to see Nikki Benz perform and to meet her in person. I do not believe they would be disappointed.

Yes, I have written about Nikki a time or two; therefore, I made a concentrated effort to be brief. Plus, I really need to finish this piece and get busy. I have a ton of things to get done between now and Tuesday morning.

Go fall in lust with Nikki at:

Bonsoir et au revoir,

Myles Shaffer