Half-Price Expo 2006 Registrations


Source: ED Publications

By: Company Press Release

For the first time in the history of the Annual Gentlemen’s Club Owners Expo, Half-Price Registrations are being offered to to club owners and or managers who have never attended the Expo in the past. Expo 2006 will be this August 22-24 at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas.

Ed Publications recently met with key members of the National Board of the Association of Club Executives for suggestions on how to increase the attendance even more at the Expo. One of the Board’s top suggestions was to find incentives to get club owners to send their key managers to Expo to benefit from the educational aspects of the convention. And also make it cost-effective for club owners, said the Ace Board.

To meet both those goals, Expo 2006 will (1) focus very heavily on educational presentations for the panel sessions and (2) save club owners money by offering them a half-price registration fee for managers they send who are first-timers at the Expo. (the half-price registration fee is also being extended to club owners who have not attended the Expo in the past.)

³in offering this half-price rate to first-timers, we are not trying to snub those club owners and managers who have attended in the past, but rather are attempting to turn first-timers into repeat attendees,² says Ed Publications Associate Publisher Dave Manack. ³We feel, as does Ace, that the more executives who attend‹both owners and managers‹the better the Expo will be.²

Adds Manack, ³One of our primary goals at Ed Publications this year is to increase attendance at the Expo among club owners and managers who have yet to attend the conference and benefit from the panel discussions and the networking opportunities. By offering this special half-price registration fee for those club owners, and particularly managers, who have never attended the Expo, we know that if they come once, they’ll keep coming back.

³Back To School² is the official theme of the upcoming 14th Annual Gentlemen’s Club Owners Expo, where this year’s curriculum calls for us to analyze the formula of how adding a perfect staff to a solid customer base will equal success for your club:

Your Employees + Your Customers = Your Club’s Success

All of this year’s panel sessions have an educational theme to them with employees and customers the focal point of each panel. The Expo is repeating the highly successful Educational Workshops from last year as well as the Complimentary Workshop Lunch. Capping the two days of panel sessions and workshops will be an address by nationally recognized motivational speaker Rick Segel who is an expert on employee and customer relations.

Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino is the official Expo 2006 hotel and is offering Expo attendees a special $155 room rate by calling their reservations department at (877) 632-7000. Club owners can also call the Luxor Hotel, which is attached to Mandalay Bay, at (800) 288-1000 to book rooms for their managers at a low room rate.

To register for Expo 2006, call the Ed office at (727) 726-3592, or register online at ExoticDancer.com