Lori Lust Secret Howard Stern


Source: LoriLustXXX.com

By: Craig Stevens

Lori Lust

Before we tell you about Stern, Lori Lust hopes the girls won’t be jealous because she loves the girls. She’s Bi and is taking all the ones that back her events for the power ride of their lives!

Within the next month over 50,000 fliers and over 1.5 million emails will be going out under the Lori Lust name about the events she’s hosting. Radio listeners tune in – she will be on two radio shows and one that’s even a huge mainstream station with millions of listeners! Plus she has events that will hit thousands. Magazines are starting to call her. Then among these secrets the biggest of all – 4 mega web sites all related to Porn, all going up in her name. Even one Mega linkage site will have over 200,000 porn links alone that will have a models portfolio linkage.

Sites being built and helped by other companies just to put their ads on her sites for nearly nothing. Why? Her main web site LoriLustXXX.com was getting over 1 million views a week average the last three months and all the above events haven’t even happened yet. There must be a huge fan base that’s growing rapidly that they can get in on the ground floor.

Lets not forget her video’s will start coming out that were already shot since moving to Los Angeles with her improved look. But she limited her shooting to only select companies just like the feature girls do so there wasn’t much content out their but good strong companies. Some even are holding her content they shot for more money.

So what about Howard Stern? Lori Lust the Fitness Model Porn Star’s Howard Stern show ranked 39th among Howard’s 3000 shows. It did so well that they re-ran it on E! TV for their 10 million viewers again before going off the air. She was asked to be on the show again but since it’s not on E! TV anymore Lori Lust declined and said she is hosting so many upcoming events that maybe it’s best to stay in Los Angeles. Plus Howard Stern’s competitor in Los Angeles is having Lori on their show this week.

The best body in the Industry actually wanted her Promoter, Craig Stevens, to run with her for mayor since he has a degree in Political Science in college. She thought that as a team they actually would do great against the other incumbents. She thought if Mary Cary could make a dent then imagine what the Lori Lust/Stevens team could do? She thought Craig Stevens’ views on the porn companies would be great for the Industry as a whole. Plus he’s a great speaker in public and people seem to like him a lot.

She said she “could tease them while Stevens knocked them dead with his views and speeches.”

So it’s easy to say the Lori Lust secret is that it’s easy to see why this girl is maybe one of the most growing names in Los Angeles and why you haven’t seen anything yet! Her name is growing faster than many Wicked and Vivid feature girls. And why not? Have you ever seen this girl at events? Her personality is amazing!