A Message From Erocktica


Source: Erocktica

By: Company Press Release

Pink Snow

(PHOENIX, AZ) — Like Kiss in the 70’s, Erocktica is a Theatrical, Over the Top, Visual live act with Anthemic Pop Metal, yet, differing from Kiss, Erocktica is the merging of sex and Rock ‘n Roll in one band! You never know what will happen at an Erocktica show! One thing’s for certain, Erocktica will Titillate you with pure Entertainment that’s guaranteed to Stimulate! Erocktica takes it to the limit with Sizzling live performances that entice onlookers to Cast Free the Society-Imposed Chains of Sexual Repression and join in the Erotic Circus!

Erocktica’s foundation lies in the fundamental right of freedom of expression, intolerance of censorship, the abhorrence of socially ascribed norms of complacency, and rejects the societal dictated molds of how individuals should choose to live their lives – having to censor their means of self expression. Through out history, people, including many artists, have been condemned for their ideas. The free flow of ideas is our inherent right in a democracy, and necessary for the advancement of thought, culture and society. Erocktica wants to send a message that expresses three distinct thoughts: Individuals should be able to exercise there right to freely express themselves and not follow others in the need to satisfy what is acceptable by society. What right does a government that the people created have to censor? Women are not victimized by pornography in a male dominated society, but rather, are empowered by their sexuality. Erocktica’s foundation lies in the fundamental right of Freedom of Expression, and Intolerance of Censorship.

Erocktica is sure to Get a Rise out of any audience.

At an Erocktica concert, sexuality and rock music take the stage, and everyone is included to participate!

Erotica: (adj.) Art or demonstrations intended to arouse sexual desires.

Rock: (n.) Popular music played on electronically amplified instruments and characterized by a heavy beat and much repetition of simple phrases.

Erocktica: (n.) All the above and more.