Founding Sponsors Support ASACP for 4th Year


Source: Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP)

By: Company Press Release

Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP)

(LOS ANGELES, CA) — Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) wishes to thank each of the sponsors that initially supported ASACP in late 2002 and are now renewing their support into 2006: ATKingdom,, AVNOnline, ARS, Epoch, MaxCash, TopBucks and XBiz.

“These companies understood ASACP’s goals and trusted that ASACP would use their financial contributions wisely. Their ongoing support demonstrates that they feel ASACP has done that and more. I personally want to thank each one of these sponsors. Because of their support, ASACP has been able to add technology, enhance its CP (child pornography) reporting hotline and Approved Member program, and launch new efforts to inform the government about the online adult industry’s proactive efforts to protect children,” said Joan Irvine, executive director, ASACP.

The founding sponsors expressed enthusiasm for the progress that has inspired their ongoing support for ASACP:

“It is the responsibility of every site owner to protect children. ASACP gives us tools for this protection and allows the legitimate sites to get the ASACP Stamp of Approval. is a proud supporter of ASACP and will continue this support as long as we are in business!” Sean Trotter,

“ARS is proud to be a sponsor of ASACP. I applaud the progress that ASACP has made since their inception. We gladly continue to offer our support for the battle against child pornography. ASACP is a great organization playing a key role in protecting our industry. ARS will continue to offer support throughout the years to come.” Kevin Stamats, Innovative Ideas Intl.

“We are delighted to be able to continue our sponsorship of ASACP. The protection of children is an integral component not only of our company policy but also our employee value system. We feel that ASACP has made tremendous progress in helping the battle against child pornography and we are proud to offer both financial and moral support in this area. Furthermore we feel that ASACP provides a valuable means of self-regulation in the adult industry through it Code of Ethics and Best Business Practices.” Kim Nielsen, ATKingdom

“AVN Online believes that fighting CP and protecting children through ethical business practices are two of the most important issues facing our industry. We’re proud of the progress that the ASACP has made towards these goals, and will continue to fully support the organization’s efforts in the future.” Tony Lovett, AVNOnline.

“Epoch is a founding sponsor of ASACP because we believe in their mission and support their worthy efforts. Their organization provides a means that allows companies in the adult entertainment industry to take a pro-active stance in combating the abuse of children online. Affiliation with ASACP is a privilege and their positive accomplishments have a measurable impact.” Rand Pate, Epoch/

“The ASACP’s fight against CP is valiant – through their thorough efforts and unrelenting determination, real progress has been made!” Alyssa Smythe, MaxCash/IWI Inc.

“TopBucks applauds ASACP for their continuous efforts to combat child pornography. We congratulate them on being named to the 2005 Associations Advance America Honor Roll and commend them on their tireless work on behalf of children and legitimate companies within the Adult Industry. ASACP has made a real difference in the battle against child pornography and for that, TopBucks remains a proud sponsor of ASACP.” Lee Bucyk, TopBucks/PlugInFeeds

“The ASACP mission is one that today’s professional adult entertainment companies’ support. Through the overwhelming support of the industry, ASACP continues to deliver a measurably positive impact. XBiz is proud to continue its support of ASACP, as well as all other positively focused industry groups.” Alec Helmy, XBiz.

ASACP’s mission is to help the adult entertainment industry in their ongoing efforts to battle CP on the Internet through its reporting hotline. In addition, ASACP provides a self-regulatory vehicle for its members through a Code of Ethics that promotes the protection of children through responsible, professional business practices (

For further information visit the ASACP site ( or contact Joan Irvine at