Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Constance Le

(BURBANK, CA) — It’s Black Widow Productions night at Porn Star Karaoke tonight and Ric Williams is loading up the gift bag with free porn for giveaways while Seymour from Sardos is preparing a bunch of drink specials.
Wankus and Kristen are your hosts and all adult industry personalities are welcome to attend with first come, first served reserved seating until 10:30pm.
The weekly party is happening at Sardos Bar, 259 N Pass Ave, Burbank, just off the 134 freeway in the Vons Shopping Center.
Porn Star Karaoke is brought to you by Black Widow Productions, and who remind you to party responsibly and always designate a driver.
No Door Charge for anyone bringing in a unwrapped toy with a value of $10.00.
We’re continuing our collection this week for Toys for Tots at Sardo’s. We have boxes set up where you can drop off an unwrapped toy. We are all very appreciative of everything everyone has done this year in all our fundraising efforts and we at Sardo’s ask you to give one more time for the kids. The boxes will be there until Dec 20th.