MWA: Mary Carey, Jenna Haze, Dita Von Teese


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Myles Shaffer

Myles Shaffer

Myles’ Weekend Adventures: Bonjour mon amis! Comment ca va? Since I can’t think of anything to bitch about that I haven’t already complained about loud and long in the past, let us go straight to the discussion of beautiful and sexy women!

Mary Carey

Thursday, October 27th, I went to the downtown Los Angeles Spearmint Rhino to spend the evening with my very dear friend, Mary Carey.

Mary is a tall, robust, pretty young woman with an all natural body and a wholesome, country girl look about her. (and, she has never looked better, than she did this night!) However, don’t think she is some dumb hick. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Don’t forget, Mary ran against Arnold the Governator and gave him a run for his money, garnering over eleven thousand votes, which is pretty good considering how many names were on the ballot! I believe she was one of the eight candidates who received the most votes. (After a couple of years of Arnold as our governor, I now wish more than ever that Mary had won! At the very least, she is much sexier, in my heterosexual male opinion.)

Mary puts on good shows, with good and usually very sexy costumes, and she has a good number of different shows. She also interacts with the customers very well. I’ve only seen one customer ever who didn’t seem to appreciate Mary, and he made it quite plain that he was a low-life jerk who should never have been allowed through the front door. In fact, had Mary told the club management what she told me about the way he acted during a lap dance, he would have been unceremoniously throw out on his sorry ass!

Mary is very friendly and a lot of fun to speak with, and she loves to laugh and cut up.

I highly recommend that anybody who gets a chance to do so should go to a club to see and meet Mary Carey! I do not believe they would be sorry they did. If anybody were to see Mary dance and not have fun, they would have to be dead before they left home!

Mary can be checked out at:

Jenna Haze

Friday afternoon, October 28th, I went to the Van Nuys Spearmint Rhino to catch Jenna Haze’s matinee show.

Since I have recently written about Jenna, I can’t think of too much new to say at this time. So, I will just say that Jenna may very well be the sweetest, most upbeat, and most positive thinking personality I have ever met. This lovely, petite, all natural bodied sweetheart is an absolute pleasure to be about. So, I don’t want to ever hear of any of my readers ever passing up an opportunity to see and meet Jenna Haze in person!

Check Jenna out at:

Friday Evening

I returned to the downtown L. A. Rhino to spend some more time with Mary Carey. No, I can’t seem to get enough of that very cheerful lady, especially when she is in a cuddly mood!

Dita Von Teese

I had planned to go to Miss Kitty’s Topless Bar, in La Puente, Saturday night, October 29th. (or is Miss Kitty’s in City of Industry? I don’t really know. I’ve seen ads that say La Puente, and I’ve seen just as many ads that say it is in City of Industry.) Miss Kitty’s was supposedly having a big Halloween Blow Out Friday and Saturday night. The ad stated that Dita Von Teese would be featured there along with some others I’m not familiar with. Once it came time to go, I just didn’t feel like leaving the house, so I didn’t.

Normally, I do not write about a feature dancer unless I saw her perform during the previous weekend. However, since I have known Dita since 1999 and have seen her perform numerous times in the past, I’ve decided to fudge just a bit and write about her this week.

Dita is a very lovely woman, with a sweet personality and a very nice looking body. She emulates the look of the forties in her make-up, hair styles, and her clothing. (I don’t have a clue as to how she might dress in her personal life. I’ve only been around her during her various public appearances.

Speaking of Dita’s look, I once read a report that claimed the famous pin-up model of the forties and fifties, Betty Paige, had at least once said that nobody could emulate her better that Dita does, and that she whole-heartily endorsed Dita Von Teese.

Dita is a fabulous performer on stage. Her music, costumes, and her performances are a blast from the past, as in the, “Golden Years of Burlesque!” I have also seen her perform very interesting discipline and bondage shows.

Several years ago, she and Catherine D’Lish performed a duo act during one of the Exotic Dancer Fan Fair showcases. Not only was their performance very different from anything I’ve ever seen, it was an absolute show stopper! If I attempted to go into detail, it would take a speed reader a week to finish reading this column!

I’ve lost track of the exact year, but not long back there was about a year in which Dita had her picture in Playboy almost every other month. It seems that she was frequently attending Hugh Hefner’s parties, both as an entertainer and as a guest.

While Dita has never been a Playboy centerfold, she did have a great layout in an issue two or three years ago.

The way I see it, if Dita Von Teese is good enough for Hugh Hefner, then she should be good enough for anybody; therefore, if any of my readers ever get a chance to see and meet Dita in person, they should absolutely do so!

Visit Dita Von Teese at:

Okay, that’s enough for now. Everybody stay safe and have a great week!

Bonsoir et au revoir,

Myles Shaffer