Source: Adult Industry News
By: George O. DeLorenzo

Sundays at 9 a.m. EST Adult Industry News publishes a column by George O. DeLorenzo featuring his work as an illustrator of erotic action-adventure series. His character models for the comics are adult stars and mainstream actresses. Linked in the box to the right this week are pages 1 through 4 of Actress/Model Hillary Klein as Mother of Mercy and the debut of the Barelee Human pin-ups!
Mother of Mercy pages 1-4
Welcome to the premiere of Mother of Mercy! I’m not sure if “premiere” is the right word… the series is almost six years old but for you it’s new. What you will see in the coming weeks here on is the life of a devoted wife and mother fall apart before your very eyes.
In today’s pages you’ll see Susan Adams who’s married to her childhood sweetheart Grant. She is a devoted wife and a self defense instructor at their local church. Then she gets the phone call that every wife of a police officer dreads! For those of you who missed last week’s chapters… shame on you! Let me get you up to date and be sure to re-visit those pages.
The series Mother of Mercy was based on the image of actress Hillary Klein, over the weeks you’ll see the series begin to change into a comic strip with live photo’s of some of the character models. Keep in mind it was years ago and we were just learning… you’ll also see some guest characters who may be some of your favorite actresses… you just got to log on and see.
Also look for the debut of… “With Apologies To”! While we’re waiting for Shannon Marie Codner aka Barelee Human to get some down time from her busy filming schedule you can see Barelee Human teamed up with some of your favorite heroes! As soon as Shannon gets some time we’ll do a photo shoot to get some good character looks for the series… till then I hope you enjoy Mother of Mercy and our weekly Barelee Human pin-up series. Now… read on!