Win PSP iPod & Help with Katrina Relief


Source: Shane’s World Cash

By: Company Press Release


That’s right Shane’s World and MALLcom have teamed up to help you make money and win kick ass prizes! Send just one sale to MALLcom for Shane’s World Nerdz between now and October 3, 2005, and your entered into the contest!

The Grand Webmaster Prize is a Nerdz Gadget Pack – a Sony PSP, an Apple I-Pod and a Surround Sound System. Second Place is your choice of a Sony PSP or an Apple I-Pod. Third Place is an I-Pod Shuffle.

The customers are also entered into a contest where they can win a Porn Party at Their House with the Girls of Shane’s World. Plus they get a free DVD just for ordering.

Join MALLcom now and start promoting Nerdz for your chance to win while you make big bucks!

Go Here for more details:

Shane’s World Cash Donating Membership Take to Red Cross

Shane’s World is doing our part to help victims of Hurricane Katrina. All sign-ups to made over the Labor Day weekend will be donated to the Red Cross. Every penny of the $24.95 join will go to the relief.

“The devastation of Katrina has really hit home for us,” says Shane’s World’s director of Internet operations Megan Stokes. “Aside from some of us here having personal connections, just seeing the aftermath makes us want to help. We wanted to do our part.”

“This is a disaster of epic proportions and we felt that we needed to do something to aid the victims”, company co-owner Jennie Grant stated. “I hope that other companies will do the same”.

Webmasters will still be paid for every sign-up they send. So grab your links and let’s raise some money for the victims of Katrina!

We at Shane’s World Cash wish all of you a great labor day weekend!

The Shane’s World Cash Team