Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Carlos, FJS Corp

Adult Industry News was forwarded an email from Carlos answering the question of whether Fred Salaff and Stefano Simone were released along with the European actors. We thank him for keeping us in the loop and urge all to follow this story and contribute to Fred and Stefano’s release. The email is below:
Dear Carlos,
I am still concerned about Fred & Stefano and getting more so as the days go on, and it is not apparent or evident that they have also been released as was expected, or perhaps the site maybe just has not been updated to reflect this? If Fred still is in prison, (?) and, perhaps if he will remain a while yet, I would be happy to send something again so it may be given to him to help a little bit. Thank you for your time, concern, and effort.
Lawrence [name and address redacted]
Hi Lawrence,
No. They have not been released.
In fact the news that the [Panamanian] Supreme Court dismissed the detentions towards the three european actors, did not sit well with the Procuradora (the Government’s Prosecutor). She was pretty upset about it.
Remember, they were working with a different lawyer, Mr. Carlos Carrillo, who worked with them from the beginning so he kept on filing motions with the court, until he got a Habeas Corpus. It must be said that the european actors had significant funding compared to Fred, therefore they were able to get a lot more accomplished.
By now the guys are in Europe or wherever. We haven’t heard from them, and I don’t expect we will.
Fred & Stefano each have a different lawyer.
We have not received anything for a long, long time. Anything you want to send to Fred & Stefano to help them out is appreciated.
On this side, I do what I can.