Source: Courtesy of
By: Dave Cummings

The fight for free speech and privacy, presently under attack by the Department of Justice’s extremely intrusive revised regulations implementing 18 U.S.C. 2257, continues. The esteemed team of attorneys defending America against this latest onslaught is similar to a roster of All-Stars baseball players composed of the best of All the past All-Star players. Thanks goodness for these gifted attorneys and the Free Speech Coalition. Hopefully, the rights of consenting adults will win out over government bureaucracy and intrusiveness, and what I personally view as an invasion of citizen privacy and freedoms.
The recent Night of the Stars event sponsored by the Free Speech Coalition was a resounding success, and a lot of fun. Held at a posh Hollywood venue, I arrived during the cocktail hour to a bevy of smiles on the faces of tax-paying attendees who vote, uphold the Constitution, and who truly care about the American People. This event is like going to an annual class reunion, complete with a great program, enjoyable entertainment and dining, and the opportunity to see friends from all walks of the Adult Entertainment Industry. People in this Industry are like society in general; of course, some of the females are stunningly beautiful, but everyone reflects the American ideals and the love of family and country. I totally enjoyed the opportunity to mingle, chat, and interact with folks; and, yes, I was happy to oblige photographers asking me to pose for shots with many of the beautiful starlets in attendance. I love my work, my family, and my country!
Recently, Wildlife Productions celebrated the anniversary of the 50th volume of their resoundingly successful series titled “Screw My Wife, Please”. To mark the 50th volume/release as special, Director Bobby Rinaldi put together an orgy of five wives and 10 porn guys (and, two of the husbands even got to “play” a bit with their wives during the sensuous and sex-filled orgy filming). I’ve been the host since volume 6, and thoroughly enjoy participating in all Wildlife projects. Although I’ve often gotten “lucky” throughout the years of filming this series, for the 50th I functioned as both the host and as one of the 10 porn guys “doing” The wives while the husbands looked on; this was not one of those instances where we porn guys were “working”, rather we were totally enjoying the wives and the orgy format. Bobby Rinaldi plans another innovative packaging of DVD disks for extra-special value for consumers.
It’s summertime, so this will be a short column. Hopefully, since we soon will be presenting our motion to a federal judge for an Injunction against the revised 2257 regulations, I’ll be able to report good news to you next month. Our freedoms are possibly at risk, and we need to fight for our Constitution and our great Nation!
As I so often repeat, please help spread the word that sex between consenting adults is indeed a gift from God, and is natural, normal, and healthy for us humans. We don’t need more intrusive regulations in our lives, or hypocritical snuffing out of American freedoms.
Stay safe and happy,
Dave Cummings