Source: Anonymous
By: Steve Nelson

Talk about hype… Today, from a phone call and an email from an anonymous source, it was learned that Rob Rotten has filmed a vile, disgusting, gross film called “Porn of the Dead”. The pictures are graphic and hideous! They are so repugnant I can’t publish part of one of them! They are so disturbing… I laughed ’till I cried! The email I was sent is below:
STEVE! you gotta see this!!!! (from [redacted])
Date: Friday 15 July 2005 06:54 pm
From: [redacted]
To: “Steve Nelson” <editor@ainews>
Ok, here’s an email with the pics attached. Now tell me what you think when you get a chance. Also I don’t care who finds out about the movie. He’s trying to keep it a fucking secret but it’s been confirmed that Rob Rotten has just finished filming. It’s gonna be called “Porn of the Dead” and it’s for Metro. It’s a zombie movie with a shitload of gore, blood and sex! Thought you’d want the scoop.
Thanks again-
(don’t use my name on this)