Ms. World Leather Auction Baskets are Live



By: Darklady


I’m writing to let you know that I and some of the other Ms. World Leather contestants have begun uploading our auction baskets to Fetish Auctioneers. ( Please visit the site and, if you find something that you like, place a bid.

One-half of the proceeds will go to the foundation responsible for the Ms. World Leather contest and the other half will go to the charity of the winning contestant. Visit the site, select “charity auctions” and shop!

I currently have three auctions, with more coming. At this time, the items I have available for bidding are signed photographic prints by Charles Gatewood, Michael Rosen, and David Steinberg.

Waiting to be added are autographed instructional videos from Madame Cleo Dubois and whip master Robert Dante, as well as a signed copy of Fakir Musafar’s Flesh+Spirit, an autographed copy of David Steinberg’s Erotic by Nature, an authentic bishop’s biretta, a Native American motif painting by Judy Tallwing McCarthy, a complete run of Black Sheets & InUniform Magazines, leather garments from XTC Leather of NY, a night at Sindulgences, meat smoking or catering services, two weekend packages to West Coast Rubber, and other fun and sexy items.

We’ll be adding items until August, so you’re bound to find something that’s right for you.

Many thanks,


Ms. Oregon State Leather 2004