Peach DVD at VSDA 2005


Source: Peach DVD

By: Company Press Release

Peach DVD

(LAS VEGAS, NV) — It’s gonna be one Hot summer and Peach DVD is going to heat things up in the hottest city in the world, Las Vegas! If you are planning on attending the VSDA show from July 26-28, at the Bellagio Hotel and Casino, please let us know.

We would love to take the opportunity to set up a meeting to discuss upcoming DVD releases with new buyers or get reacquainted with our loyal customers. To request a meeting or to get more information on Peach DVD releases, please e-mail or call us today.

If you are not attending, please send us your contact information that we may forward to our distributors. They will be happy to discuss our new title information and show specials.

Best Regards,

The Peach DVD Staff

Phone: 1-818-908-9663, 1-800-822-8339 (Toll-Free)

VSDA Suite #28081

VSDA Information