Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Company Press Release

To all of you Michi-Ganders! Bridgette (Xtreme’s September 05 Covergirl) and Myself (Xtreme’s May 2005 Covergirl) will be making a special appearance this weekend (May 14/15) at the Comic Book Convention (at Novi Expo Center in Novi, MI.)
We will be at the Xtreme- Detroit-Magazine booth Saturday/Sunday all day. We will have the new Xtreme Detroit Magazines (with me on the cover) for sale for $1, why not come in and have one signed? And cop a feel on my booty while your at it! Haha…
Also we have custom *KJ* and *Bridgette* T-Shirts for sale! There is a t-shirt with my Magazine cover on the front, and also a t-shirt featuring Bridgette on the beach as well! They are $25 (and I get to keep $5 of that) and of course we will sign them for you as well!
We also would appreciate any beers brought to us since we cant leave very often! (LOL, sad but so true) Also, all of the Xtreme girls take pics with guys for $1 per girl, but tips are always good, tips and beer, guys, tips and beer… Hope To See you There!
~Kelley Jean
PS: My Xtreme photo shoot pics will be posted [in my Yahoo Group] soon!