Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Britney

WTF? Make a movie on your own property, get thrown in JAIL?! Several people did THREE MONTHS AGO, and still are in jail now! 🙁 WTF? How would you feel if you knew someone unjustly imprisoned for over 3 months in a foreign country?
These following people have been wrongly held in Prison in Panama for well over three months now:
Us citizen – Frederick Salaff
Czech citizen – Wein Lewis
Czech citizen – Sarah Twain
Czech citizen – Viy
French citizen – Tristan Seagal
French citizen – Ian Scott
Italian citizen – Stefano Simone
German citizen – Jay Jay
Panamanian citizen – Clara García.
Facts of Fred Salaff case – Who is Fred Salaff?
A well-known photographer and adult filmmaker, with 18 years in the adult industry, American Citizen Fred Salaff has been active in filmmaking all his adult life, since he started as a maker of corporate documentaries. He is best known under the Clayton Blacquemoor alias in the adult movie business.
Suddenly, on Sunday, January 23, 2005, the Policía Técnica y Judicial (PTJ-DIIP) de Panamá descended on his house in Panama because of complaints by the neighbors that something funny was going on. About 8 scenes had been shot so far.
At this point it must be explained that in Panama there are several branches of police. The National Police help keep the order. The PTJ and DIIP do investigation into criminal cases. Other branches help with civil defense and border protection, since there is no military force after the U.S. Invasion of 1989.
Even though Mr. Salaff showed them the official letter from the Ministry of Government and Justice stating that what he was doing was not illegal, they still took him and the whole crew in for questioning. The government later would try to disavow responsibility of writing the letter. Tough luck, it is sealed, stamped and dated.
A Plea for Help
To that effect, we have set up accounts to which we can accept donations of money to help us raise as much as possible toward our, admittedly modest, goal of $25,000 for the legal defense fund of Fred Salaff. His closest friends in Panama are now tapped out and we need to reach out to the Adult Industry and Fans for help and support.
If you believe in Freedom of Expression, if it just more than words to you, please help us free Fred Salaff and everybody else from the abandoned Devil’s Film crew who is in jail on the same absurd charges.
To learn more about Fred’s case you can call the following number in the Republic of Panama: +507-693-3635 (Chris). Also, visit the site for an update on the case.
[Most of this lengthly email has been redacted. For an in-depth read of what has transpired please follow the links in the box to the right, and then donate something, anything to help get these people out of jail! -Ed.]