Pornstar Numerology: Porn Legends Lynn LeMay & Rhonda Jo Petty


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Jeremy Steele

Porn Legends Lynn LeMay & Rhonda Jo Petty

Lynn LeMay

3755 35417 > 20/2 + 21/3 = 5

Two 7s, two 3s, three 5s, one 4, one 1

Missing: 6 and 8 in her name.

Lynn’s #5 is the number of constructive freedom, accenting the traits within her of versatility, resourcefulness, an unusual or unconventional approach. The 5 energy always has many interests, comes and goes, so to speak, appears, disappears, reappears, so, in a sense, is always here. “Freedom” is an important word for her.

The lesson of the 5 includes learning to not scatter yourself too much, get lost in directions, indulgences, and instead, to go through life in a healthier, steadier pace, learning different tasks, gaining talents and being active. Restlessness and impatience can sometimes make things difficult, including the task of finishing tasks, as well, unto their necessary ends. 5s very much love change, variety and avoiding the routine.

5s can inspire others with their enthusiasm for things. The 5 energy keeps one forever young. 5s are clever and quick thinkers. 5 is the number of luck, change, travel, adventure and free-spiritedness.

The first two letters, 3 and 7 show a social creature who carries an equally strong tendency to withdraw and isolate oneself; creative loner at times. The 1 and 4 in her name also indicate a measure of both independence and good work ethic upon a more mobile creature. But with two 7s in her name she is more a mix of spiritual or scientific and mobile, traveling, trying new trades, yearning for new experiences.

A lack of 6 (No, I didn’t say lack of sex) shows less of an influence with “society”, children, family or even pets. And the lack of the number 8 suggests a dubious future in any areas pertaining to being a “boss” or company executive. She works better working with others rather than over them.

Rhonda Jo Petty

986541 16 75227 33/6 + 7 + 23/5 = 18/9

Two 7s, two 2s, two 6s, two 1s, two 5s, one 4, one 9, one 8

Rhonda is giving in a very large way (for some reason I feel someone out there thinks I should now go “wink wink”), interested in different cultures, languages, ways of life, religions, cultures and places to travel, learn from, teach to, and expand within all at same time.

Like Lynn, Rhonda has a strong reclusive side, as indicated by the two 7s but also a strong intimate and very sensitive side with two 2s. Her two 6s show a strong interest in the her community. All this further accentuates her 9 name which is humanitarian in spirit.

The first two letters, 9 and 8 indicate her being able to handle executive managerial matters well and in a serving way. Her love for others and for being alone are equally strong. Her name’s numbers indicate a person who is very expansive in how they give of themselves and interact with others.

Missing: 3s- not as much of a social butterfly, less confident in social situations, so is most giving behind the scenes.

Overall Rhonda is giving, reclusive, sensitive, caring, independent, executive/business sense, humanitarian, good worker.