Sex & Potentially Controversial Opinions From the Trenches


Source: Courtesy of

By: Dave Cummings

Dave Cummings

For the most part, the sex stuff [this month] consisted of being in sex scenes and some swinger and groupie girl get-togethers. The highlight of the sex scenes was one in which I thought I was merely acting as a host doing the interview portion of the filming, only to have the absolutely gorgeous Audrey Hollander unzip my pants and pull out my penis to show the other actress how she likes to suck cock.

Audrey’s guy, Otto Bauer, was on set morally supporting her and making certain she was having a fucking good time; I’m impressed how Audrey attends and applauds during Otto’s sex scenes, too! And, when they perform together, they are one super-high energy level of explosive and sensuous sex-making, as well as lovemaking.

Throughout the month I was in a number of other sex scenes, all with younger adult actresses; and, off-camera, the swinger wives and groupie girls were out in full force—it must have been something in the San Diego air or water? Some husbands accompanied their wives to my condo and took photos of her and me going at it, and some later joined in or had me take their camera and take photos of them getting it on together. Two husbands handled the phone arrangements and coordination with me for their wives to stop by and get laid, one on her way home from work and the other while the husband stayed home and played babysitter for their six-year old child. I love the sexual openness of secure marriages.

One groupie girl recruited a new college girl for me, sort of as a replacement for one who is having academic problems and needs to get down to some concentrated studying this semester lest she flunks out. Actually, the new girl seems quite experienced and the three of us have had some satisfying “study hall” sessions at my condo. I’ve met separately with a few other girls, too, one who likes it done in her car. I love the sexual openness of today’s college girls.

I’ve lately gotten suctioned into the seemingly never-ending discussions about whether or not adult actresses should be restricted from performing until they are at least 21, instead of the present 18-year minimum.

Some folks think that many 18-year old new girls (and guys) are too inexperienced in life’s happenings to make a learned and mature decision about entering the world of porn. Some others feel that 18-year olds should be free to enter porn just like they now can enter the military, vote, or work in other fields of employment.

Here’s how I feel:

With today’s availability of Internet and instant communications and exchange of information capabilities, along with youth’s grasp of these technologies, I feel that youngsters are more enlightened and knowledgeable than ever; yet, I’m not fully convinced that being “informed” means that they also have the emotional and maturity level gained from life’s experiences to always make good decisions, especially ones that might later possibly cause them self-regret.

Some 18-year old adults are more “grown up” than others in their age group and could handle a porn career with ease; some others, however, sometimes let motivation and ambition blind their decision-making, and their subsequent ability to be successful and comfortable with impacting decisions they previously made. Like so many of us have done as we were growing into adulthood, they project their porn stardom and excitedly charge after it with dedicated enthusiasm, but sometimes without thinking it through clearly. Mirroring many of society’s graduating high school youngsters, including those making non-porn decisions, the here and now is their mantra, not the long-term thinking/planning/goal-setting/etc that they might later wished they had considered.

Once on film, it’s almost forever! (e.g., someone entering porn might not care about future non-porn situations, but just imagine them running for the school PTA 10-15 years later only to have some hypocrites use their past Adult Industry involvement against them as they leak the word around the community; or, any one of many other potential work/family/social/political/religious/etc situations).

My bottom line is that age 20 seems more like the minimum of what I think today’s overall youth can generally be expected to make a more informed and mature decision about choosing to become a porn star. That extra two years might be good for the person, and for the porn world! That’s my personal opinion. Having said that, tomorrow I’m “working with” someone who looks her age but impresses me as quite emotionally and intellectually mature for her 19 years of age.

Recently, one of the Adult Community Director/Producer individuals activated a web site for Directors and crews to alert each other to talent individuals who flake on shoots, or otherwise don’t adequately fulfill their end of the booking agreement. [Linked in the box to the right] I’ve already used the new site to alert folks about an adult actress who was a no-show last week (even though she had confirmed with me the previous day).

The thought crosses my mind that actors and actresses also need a site, one where they can freely post comments/complaints about bookings, scumbags on sets, Directors/Producers/Agents/Managers, sets, shoots, bounced checks, crews, other talent members, etc. I hope this happens and that communications between and among Adult Industry folks will improve as a result of having a forum to post things that might otherwise go unreported and/or un-corrected.

Unfortunately, I’m running out of space in this month’s column to personally vent/rant/comment about my views on such issues as:

*The present state/effect of changing community standards throughout America;

*Differing viewers preferences relative to movie content, and the “nastiness” that some releases contain (versus sexiness and sensuality that treats women more respectfully), and

*The possible effects it has upon a variety of people and organizations; and, the search for “whackability” -It’s the element that I think should be uppermost in the minds and output from Adult Industry producers, be it in gonzo or features.

Be safe out there, be respectful of others, and be thankful that we are sexual beings!

Dave Cummings