PornStarPerformance is Up



By: Stoney Curtis

(CHATSWORTH, CA) — Ever had problems with irresponsible talent flaking on jobs or trouble on set? Come to and get a free account. Producers will be able see and tell about your good or bad experiences so that you and other producers can eliminate flakes, and give good performers the work and respect they deserve.

Fans and Talent can access the site to see what producers thought about their performance as well. There will be a mixture of results good and bad. Basically talent will get out of the site what they put in. Directors with an ax to grind against certain talent will be monitored and it will not be tolerated. We will cancel the membership if we hear that they write a lot of lies about someone just to get back at them.

This is not a gossip site, this is for serious producers and directors who don’t have time to deal with people who waste their time.

This site is quite simple right now, but we will be adding a lot of great features in the next week. This is only the tip of the iceberg on the things we will eventually be able to do from this site.

The site is up so log on and ask for a password.