Kids Still Risk Sex in Church


Source: LMS Newswire

By: Edward Lozzi & Associates

molesting priest

(LOS ANGELES, CA) — Sex abuse victims disappointed in court ruling to block release of priests’ proffers. Cardinal Mahony reneges on offering molesting priest files to district attorney by fighting and winning in court today. Lone judge makes decision, children remain at risk.

A support group for clergy sex abuse victims is disappointed in a judge’s ruling to block the release of the so-called “proffers” of known and alleged abusive priests in the Los Angeles archdiocese. Over a year ago, another judge also ruled to block their release.)

Statement by Steven Sanchez of Glendale. Sanchez is the Los Angeles director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (818 262-6540 cell). “The proffers are Mahony’s sanitized version of his cover-up. But now even this little truth that could have come out is being blocked. Catholics and victims deserve, and children need, the full truth, not Mahony’s self-serving, slanted version of the truth.” “Just like Nixon tried to do damage control in Watergate by offering summaries of incriminating tapes, Mahony offers a watered version of the truth.”

“Much of what victims’ and witnesses report to church officials isn’t believed, written down, kept, or turned over to authorities. So these ‘proffers,’ we believe, are a very incomplete version of what actually happened. Still, every step toward the truth is positive, yet is fought tooth and nail by church lawyers.” “Mahony’s PR staff will try and blame accused priests for this continued evasion. The truth is that he’s bankrolling this obstruction, by paying for those priests’ lawyer. He’s playing ‘good cop, bad cop’ and hoping Catholics won’t see through his legal maneuvering.”

For more information:

Mary Grant of Long Beach,

SNAP Western Regional Director

(626) 419-2930 cell