Jill Kelly Heads to Alaska


Source: Jill Kelly Productions

By: Company Press Release

Jill Kelly

(ANCHORAGE, AK) — Adult Superstar Jill Kelly will make a rare in-store appearance for Castle Mega Stores, at their new retail store in Anchorage, Alaska. Jill will be in store to sign copies of her classic DVDs and to meet and greet her legions of loyal fans.

“We love Castle- they always treat us very well, and I am more than happy to visit with the fans of the 49th State,” says Kelly. Miss Kelly will arrive on Thursday evening, and sign on Friday April 1st. Exact time to be announced shortly.

For more info contact:

Scott Hoover

Director of Publicity

Jill Kelly Productions

818-255-7339 direct line

818-766-9086 direct fax
